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Once they were back in the doctor's universe the Tardis sent everything to the room it was supposed to be in. All that was left to carry were her cats. The doctor carried two as Athena followed them down the hall.

"Ah, here it is!" The doctor beams at Athena, she looks nervously back at him giving him a small smile. He opens the door and lets her go first. She set the cats down as she took in what she was seeing. It was an actual house, with stairs and all. Athena ran a finger down the wall as she walked. It was fully decorated with all her items and some that the Tardis added. She walks through every room, sitting room, kitchen, dining room, sunroom, Garden, and then lastly on this floor of the house, a room that was built just for the cats. Everything they ever would need was in the room, climbers and cat boxes, beds, and hiding spots. She squeals with glee before running back to where the doctor stood with her four cats.

"Come on!" She grabs her two and the doctor follows behind her smiling warmly at how excited she is. She set the cages down carefully opening them. Sebastian and September slowly walked out walking around the room before September jumped on one of the climbers. The doctor set down shrimp and Sweet potato allowing them out as well. Athena grinned as she watched her cats explore. She stepped out of the room, the doctor following behind her as she went to the stairs. She walked up dragging a hand on the banister. She looked down both halls. There were four doors, she walked down the first hall opening one of the doors inside was a study her laptop sitting closed on the desk. She looked at the walls and saw that all of her spoiler decorations were being displayed. She quickly shut the door, smiling at the doctor

"I'll have to explore that room later." She walks to the next door and opens it to reveal a guest bedroom with her guest bed already made and ready, "I don't know why I'll need a guest room but it's lovely"

"Well, you are most likely going to be here for a long time. Maybe you will make a friend or something." The doctor shrugs as they walk to the other end of the hall. Inside the next door was a bedroom so big and beautiful. She gasped as she examined the room. It had everything she could ever dream of for her bedroom. Giant closet, a big bay window with a reading seat, and a bathroom that had multiple options. She looks at the doctor who is standing in the doorway awkwardly.

"Thank you." She whispered walking over to him, "Thank you for answering my dreams." She grabs his hand and squeezes it. He looked down at her with a smile.

"I'll leave you to get settled and explore that last room. I'll see you in the morning for your first trip!" He goes to walk out but she doesn't let go of his hand.

"Doctor, I can't help but feel like there is something you aren't telling me." The doctor studied her face, all of the wonder and joy was gone, and all that was left was determination and seriousness. He decided once again to be honest with her.

"When you were writing, a wisp of gold energy came from your mouth." He panics slightly as she watches her start to panic, "But don't worry I'm sure it was nothing."

"That was before you asked me." She looks at him with wide eyes.


"So you asked me because I'm a mystery?"

"No...I asked you because that's what I wanted." He wrung his hands, "I won't lie to you. I don't think I can. The mystery is a bonus, I have theories and if you are willing to test them out we can. Finding out why that happened is up to you. I will not do anything unless I have your permission"

"I didn't ask you because I see you as a problem to solve." He blushes thinking back at how he was able to fall asleep with her. She knew It was rare for the doctor to sleep, especially with a companion, let alone cuddling them. A mystery indeed.

Crossing Universes ~ Doctor WhoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora