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Vira: shit.. we better run from this

i didn't like the pressure feeling that comes from him

Zakuren: vira- 

*black being lift his arm up and hit the ground , caused an explosion bigger than several atomic bombs*

*vira's eyes widen , he teleport himself at the depths of dungeons of the castle*

*E404's magic pressure more strongly*

Vira: he is here.. like they said 

Zakuren: do you think mom is safe..? she was close the place where infected cause the explosion.. and millie too..

Vira: it doesn't matter how they hate mom and my big sis

they do use mom and millie for themselves so , one of them must be saved them.. i guess

*vira walk towards intense E404's magic*

vira: this way.. right?

zakuren: yeah

*vira breaks a door and finds E404*

*E404 tied up with lot of strings of virus404's , it covers all of his body , some of the strings even inside of him and even some of the strings connected directly with his mind*

Vira: dad..

*E404 is unconsciousne*

*vira walks towards him*

Vira: cero muerto 

*vira summons his scythes and cut strings of virus404*

*E404 collapses on floor*

*vira slowly lean down and flip his body , making him lay on his back as vira slowly pick him up*

*zakuren uses vira's code panel and summon a bed*

*vira lefts E404 gently on bed*

Vira: rest well father.. i will handle this until you get your powers back

*vira hugs his father and left him slowly*

vira: can you teleport us to direction where mom stays?

zakuren: left me control

*zakuren takes body's control , he teleports them inside the room where player stays*

*vira take the control of body back but the body still have zakuren's eyes*

Player: i heard some voices over there.. whats going on zakuren?

*vira slowly approach player but he doesn't talk*

Player: zakuren.. answer me

*vira teleports in front of player suddenly and hugs her tightly*

Player: . . .

whats wrong?

Vira: i am offended mom , you didn't recognize my magic 

*player's eyes widen as she struggle under strings*

Player: v-vira?

*vira still hugging her tightly , his head on her shoulder*

Vira: yes mom? 

*his voice shaking with happnies and also sadness*

Player: zakuren..with you?

Vira: i took care of his hate , he is on our side again

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