The shikai

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*Vira's and zakuren's bone katanas transformed into two scythes*

*The chines of the scythes are wrapped with a blaster skull and cover the entire upper part of the sharp partblack chains hang from under the snaths of both scythes and the chains are connectedes to each othersnaths are patterned with black and white strip* 

Vira: damm.. thats really fit both of us

Zakuren: so does this make you two my zanpakuto as well?

Cero muerto: no 

not a chance 

Zakuren: dam it

Cero muerto: Vira

your zanpakuto , so us

we don't have much skill

you can say we have passive abilities and nothing more almost

Vira: what do you mean? 

Cero muerto: the only thing you can do is absorb anything that you slash 

and nothing more

Vira: not a single skill?

Cero muerto: actually there is one

Vira: what does it do?

Cero muerto: allowing you to cut off the chains from middle so you can throw one away and fight with the other one you hold

Vira: and how do i do it?

Cero muerto: by controlling your reiatsu

Vira: guys i am not a shinigami

i have magic

not reiatsu

Cero muerto: then , control your magic and focus on cutting chains from middle

try it

*vira grip the scythes tight and closes his eyes*

*the chains are shaking after 5 minutes but not a single crack*

Zakuren: is there no Key point? 

i don't think he gonna be able to do it soon

Cero muerto: patience 

*zakuren roar as annoyed and flap his wings and fly away , exploring vira's new inner world*


2 hours later


*the chains finally broke from middle , allowing vira to use the scythes one by one*

Vira: i wonder..

you said "anything" , right?

Cero muerto: actually , anything that have some sort of energy 

Vira: include human stamina?

Cero muerto: exactly 

Vira: what if by a mistake i cut myself?

muerto: unless we are so full of energy we wouldn't cut you

Cero: but if we are.. i might lost control and hurt you

Vira: hm? is this something like a pleasure for you two?

Cero muerto: indeed , our food resource is energy that our scythe cut 

so don't over feed us if you want to be able to control us fully 

Vira: isn't there a way to control the absorb ability? i mean i cut lot of things including my brother

Cero muerto: actually.. there is one way to keep us under control even if you cut something

Vira: stop being so hidden , talk directly 

Cero muerto sigh deeply*

Cero muerto: bankai

Vira: am i able to use it?

Cero muerto : with enough training you would be

Vira: i am not main character of the show or something , i can't train it for 2-3 day

i don't have enough time to train for 100 years

Cero muerto: as you wish vira , until you are ready for training , we are gonna be here whenever you want

Vira: but i wonder what gonna happened when i use bankai so you two will not be crazy even if i over feed you two?

Cero muerto: we are not able to say it , yet

*Vira sigh deeply* 

Vira: fine.. 

*vira snaps his finger and teleport zakuren above them*

Vira: hey bro , training is over

we are going to save them now

Zakuren: i am right behind you , brother


inside forbidden void


*vira opens his eyes and found himself on a bed*

*alpha sitting on the edge of bed while SS.chara sitting right in front of his face and looking towards him*

Chara: oh he is awake

*F.E teleports next to bed after hearing chara*

Alpha: vira you okay?

*vira slowly sit up and stretch his muscles*

Vira: yeah.. um.. just learned about my new power

F.E: another new one?

Vira: yeah

SS.Chara: ah come on this is not fair

this bone-head achieving new powers every day while i stuck with knifes and chaos blasters

*vira smiles softly and chuckles*

Vira: cry about it

*SS.Chara lean down and whisper to his ear*

SS.Chara: if we get in bed together you are gonna be one who crying

*SS.Chara chuckles and lean back and clear her gaze , like nothing happened*

*Vira lightly blushes*

F.E: we can provide some "privacy" if you two need 

Alpha: ah sorry if we are bothering 


*vira slide off from bed and while he gives SS.Chara's shoulder a gentle tug like a sign to not tease him again*

*SS.Chara giggles*

Vira sigh*

Vira: so.. i am going back to nightmare realm

Alpha: good luck , my nephew 

Vira: thanks uncle 

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