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Error: okay show me what you got 

Vira: so after watch some of you guys fight like other sans i am not gonna use my blaster normal 

Error: what?


Vira: delta sans

Error:You can already fly, you don't need anything else to fly. 

Vira: nope not that one

Error: huh?

Vira: let me show you

hand combat 1vs1 are you okay with that?

Error: you wanna show me blaster move but saying hand combat are you lost your fucking mind?

Vira: i am gonna hit you with my hands

Error: You'll have to grow up a lot before you can hit me, brat. 

Vira: wanna test? 

Error: come here mother fucker

Vira teleport behind Error and tried to hit from back*

Error noticed and turned around and threw a backhand punch* 

Blaster voice*

vira escaped the attack unharmed*

Error: how the fuck?

Vira: didnt you hear blaster voice?

Error:I did it, but there's nothing in sight.

Vira: i am gonna do it more slow for you "master" 💀 

Error: brat 

vira stuck the blasters on his arm, from his wrists to his shoulders and jumped on error*

Error waiting for vira attack to doge*  

vira's blasters suddenly explode, causing vira's punch speed and power to increase*

Error get hit and flew 200 meters forward*

error wiped the blood from his mouth* 

Error: mother fucker.. good one good one

can you do it for kick too?

Vira: yeah ofc 

Error: your moves are fast but you are slow

Vira: how the fuck

Error: when you teleport i know you are behind me so i can teleport any where i want and i will catch you off guard 

Vira: you mean i only teleport behind you and i need teleport some other where?

Error: no

you have fucking massive magic power with that you can destory underground easily thats way i can feel you behind me i can feel the magic power of yours

 Vira: what should i do then????

Error: speed up

nothing more

and when you use it once in enemy they will not fell for it once again

Vira: i am not using like my hidden move

i will just try to not show them but you said "you can fly no need anything else" 

i can fly yeah but no fast like my father 

so i will use my blasters like a booster 

Error: okay whats the other move?

Vira: oh.. can we teleport anti-void?

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