The Randoms

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*after vira teleported himself in a random AU for escape he find himself in UnderFell*

*vira barely walking towards a tree in underfell's snowdin forest*

Vira: . . . underfell.. where is only bullies and rude ones.. *vira sigh*

i hope i just dont meet with someone before i rest..

the battle was in mind but..

it was effective for my magic power.. 

at least i am not injured..

*vira hear some footsteps*

Vira: pls tell me its not the judge of this au..

i am okay if thats papyrus..

*a sharp bone appeared below vira's jaw near to his neck*

Vira: so.. who are you? papyrus or sans?

???: i don't know how you know my name but i don't know who the fuck are you and i know every single fucking monster in underground

who are you 

*vira's eyes filling with madness*

Vira: show me your face before talking with me , clown

*vira deleted the sharp bone*

*UnderFell sans appear in front of vira under the tree*

F.S: so kid , you are another skeleton

and all i see from you is a tired look which means i can kill you right here

*he put a cigarette in his mouth and burn it*

*vira grabbed fell's collar and punched his face with his bare hand*

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*vira grabbed fell's collar and punched his face with his bare hand*

*fell dazed after punch*

Vira: they call me forbidden error , you piece of shit 

*vira teleported into another random AU his magic getting closer to its limit*

*vira found himself in echotale*

*he saw a tall man making a girl knell in front of him*

*he saw a tall man making a girl knell in front of him*

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*Echotale sans turned his back and faced with vira with angry eyes*

E.T.Sans: who would you suppose to be?


*vira teleport in another random one and it was his last chance to rest , he only had enough magic to summon some little bones and nothing more*

*vira teleport in another random one and it was his last chance to rest , he only had enough magic to summon some little bones and nothing more*

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Storyshift Chara: Hey there , bone-head 

*vira sigh with relaxed face and fainted right after he saw SS Chara , he knew he can get relax in StoryShift for a while*

SS.Chara: hm? well i better pick him before asriel saw him.. wait.. is he turning into back to a human?

*vira's flesh covering his body , vira's human side come back*

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