The Villain has appeared

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After 6 months of training, Vira was able to fight error and win*

in anti-void* 

E404: how does it feels get beaten by your student 

Error: shut the fuck up

E404: unlike you i will never feel this 💀


E404: jk

Error: he will pass you some day

you saw him potential too already

E404:he has still too long way 

Error. yeah yeah whatever

but dragon never appeared since than

E404: I don't know... maybe it was really a voice because of his mental health?

Error: dont ask me you are the one who have demon inside not me 

in dusttale dust sans house*


Dust: i didnt see him today

and stop yelling at me mother fucker

Player: did anybody saw him , yes or no?

Fatal Error and Cross: nope 

Player's mind* son.. where are you right now?*

outside of the barrier*

vira created magma using earth and fire elements at the same time*

Vira: lets see what i can do with that 

vira tried to touch magma*

but stoped before touch*

Vira: i am at human body right now.. it can be danger

but who cares._.

vira touched the magma, but nothing happened*

Vira: okayyy now 

He created a volcano-shaped mountain with only the earth element and then transferred the fire element and created a real volcano*

Vira: okay.. how can i use it in a war


okay there is a way

vira deleted the massive volcano with his code panel* 

and created multiple small volcanoes* 

when attacks come at me,

 I can use them as a shield by melting the attack by detonating them 

just like the situation right now

vira blew up volcanoes and melted the bones thrown by virus 404*

V404: You have potential, as I expected

Vira: who are you

Vira tried to press his code panel for call help*

V404 jumped on vira and break his both arms*

Vira: F-

V404: you are gonna be strong if i let you live i am sure about that

V404 summoned massive blaster and aimed on vira and himself*

V404 used blue bones on vira's head and both legs* 

V404: dont move it will be more painless 

Vira's mind* ???: get up before he kill you *

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