3. No one can bully her

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Music recommendation : 'Supermassive Blackhole' by Muse

The two good-looking boys were walking towards the direction she left behind. Both of them had towering heights, both were at least a foot taller than her. Shakti would look like a lilliput beside those giants. One had honey-blonde hair covering his forehead. He wore a blue three-quarter t-shirt. He had a calm aura and seemed approachable. He had that small smile on his face as if nothing could bother him from feeling the peace of the day. He had that boyish charms that the 90s actors used to have that could dazzle any onlooker.

But the other boy caught her attention more. His entire look screamed nothing but trouble. His tousled black hair with an undercut, the tattoos on his arms and neck, a chain hanging from his neck, and those pointy piercings showcased that he was a typical bad boy. But all those further enhanced his good looks. His face was full of arrogance and no other emotions could be found on that mask-like face of his. There was a look of utmost indifference on his face that made him stand out the most. It took only one look for Shakti to conclude that this person had his mysteries which he concealed well under that cold expression of his. It made Shakti even more curious than before. He looked like those mushrooms which are so bright and colorful to look at but one bite is what takes for you to say goodbye to your life. He looked like those typical bad boys in the novels and movies, which almost made her roll her eyes. But the good-looking effect was too strong to cringe at the thought.

After a few seconds of subtle surprise when she came back to her senses, she realized that she wasn't the only person affected by their presence. It looked like they were some types of secret celebrity. Everyone's eyes were fixed on them and there was a lot of murmuring, giggling, and ogling but no one dared to reach out to them. But both the boys seemed habituated with such attention as they pretended as if there was not a crowd of students watching them, (no watching would be an understatement). It was obvious that the boys had a big fan following. It seemed like that cliché entry of the main characters. 'So original', thought Shakti with sarcasm dripping her thoughts.

She was staring at them with a weird and curious expression. When both the boys came nearer to Shakti, who was rooted to her spot, the black-haired one winked at her. Her eyes widened and she quickly rubbed her eyes she looked at him again and saw not an inch of his facial muscles moving. Shakti's eyes narrowed in doubt. Was she imagining things or did the boy wink at her? No, it has zero possibilities. She was unknown to him and he seemed like an egoistic boy who wouldn't flirt with any girl. But he was no saint and she knew it, she felt it.

Suddenly, she felt a jolt in her head and saw flashes of death and destruction. It was a horrifying image. Blood was everywhere. Darkness was engulfing her senses. She squinted her eyes closed and the pain left her forehead. She opened her eyes and blinked twice. What was that?! There was something wrong in that place. Something wrong with.... him. 'Uhh! Stop reading those fantasy novels so much, Shakti', she thought.

She must stay away from such a delinquent, who could drag anyone along with him to the deep forbidden corners of life, something which she doesn't want. Moreover, she was not someone so special; nothing but ordinary, at least when compared to his oh-so-cool kind of personality, obviously, a person as seemingly arrogant as him, would not consider her worthy enough for his attention. He looked like a lion walking with such style and nobility as if he owned the place and no one was worth paying attention to. The lesser the attention, the better for her.

All the girls were openly admiring the boys while other boys were looking at them with cautiousness and jealousy. Those two were receiving all the attention and the limelight was completely focused upon them while other boys were invisible to the girls present there.

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