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| after that night, myanna would eat in her chambers only with Dy as her companion - no matter how much the older woman tried to reassure her it did not work — she would end her nights with allowing her tears to spill onto her pillow, the only moment where she felt free to do so. After that night, bread constantly felt stale, the lamb felt rough and the stew tasted disgusting. Everything she had once enjoyed with her sister and father began to disgust her just as much as they did. Even if she tried to forget what happened, Myanna could still feel the pain of the bruises Isabelle had caused.

It did not take long for the house of the targaryens to announce that King Aegon II was indeed looking for a new wife, one whom would help him rule the realms with. They were allowing many houses to plead their cases and offer daughters up as candidates - it seemed it was the starkley house that was the quietest. Although they did not have much power compared to houses like Hightower and Velaryon — they were still a significant part of the realm one that was regarded with respect by the targaryens.

It would be a month later when Myanna's nightmares became true as a messenger arrived and handed her father a scroll that was only for his eyes and one that must be burned after it had been read. No one knows exactly how he reacted but it was said his already sulking and pale face became deathly as if he would truly die of a broken heart. The note reminded Lord Byron of the loans that he had requested during the reign of Viserys I, which was for rebuilding the starkley courts, and reminded him that the Targaryen house had yet to receive their golds back.

There was a debt to be paid — Lord Byron had to give them one of his daughters.

Most of the other houses knew that if they offered a daughter of theirs they would expect something in return - possible land and patronage. But Lord Byron had to pay a dept he simply could not ask for anything in return. Maybe that was why his children and him were such a vulnerable target. Lord Byron watched the threats burn and melt away in front of him as the messenger waited for his response. The man held onto the wall as he thought of what he could possibly say.

He would be paying for his own greed.

"my daughter myanna-" the man's voice broke as he finally talked — he couldn't believe he was selling his own daughter. May the gods strike him now, he begged and pleaded before shutting his eyes. "my daughter myanna starkley will wed the king if it pleases him — she is an obedient girl, who is ten and seven years of age" he finally offered and turned away which indicated for the messenger to leave.

How would he confess this?


| two small knocks would be heard on her doors which she was confused by - Dy had bid her goodbye for the night and no one would find it appropriate to come by at this time of day. "who are you?" she spoke up as she made her way to the door and wrapped herself in her silk robe to shield away her nightdress in fear.

"it is your father" his voice sounded weak and nasally as if he hadn't spoken in a while. The young girl sighed and covered her head with her hands in fear of what he was to come in for. "What you have to say, can it not wait till the morning father?" she coolly spoke back awaiting his response in hopes he would bid farewell and allow her to sleep. Usually she wouldn't even question him but rather open the door and pull him in with a warm smile but his silence towards her abuse was scarring and one that she would never forget. "I wish it would my daughter but I must speak to you urgently" he coughed and she could hear him place a hand on the door to keep himself upright.

Slowly she lifted the lock and opened the door and saw her father in his usual attire standing with a small smile. "May I come in?" — Myanna's answer was to open the door wider for him to enter. The man hadn't entered her room in a while — ever since she became her own person she didn't allow most people to enter so he kept to his side of the house. But the room was beautiful and described her so clearly. Awkwardly placing himself on the bed, he watched her move and stand in front of him. The older man grabbed her hand and wrapped his around it before nodding for her to sit to which she did.

He let her hand go for a second to gently place his fingertips onto her cheek — still feeling the warmth and swelling that Isabelle had caused nights ago. It made the man sigh as he watched her daughter shut her eyes in embarrassment that she allowed for this to happen.

"please speak" she whispered wishing for this to end as soon as possible

"myanna-" the man spoke before sighing as if even trying to articulate his thoughts was torture in itself.

"myanna when you were a little babe, still in them cradles — I used to take you out to the balcony in our bed chambers and show you the twinkle of the stars and the moon. I used to call you my moon — you made my nights feel longer and sweeter" he sighed as he watched her stare at their hands intertwined. "your mother used to shout that you could catch a cold but I knew you loved going out and seeing the many stars that decorated the sky. I saw it on your little face"

"I used to always tell your mother that even a damned cold would have to fight me to get through to you" the man's voice became weaker as his frown deepened. "But I have come to the judgement that I cannot lie about protecting you any longer my daughter"

Myanna's eyes watered as she watched him stutter embarrassingly knowing he was struggling to confess. "It is true what your sister stated — you have been offered to his grace, King Aegon, for marriage. If he agrees you shall be on the next ship to kings landing to have a feast with the king for him to make his final judgement"

The cold and bitterness of his words came as a shock as it was a contrast to the love he had emphasised for her just moments ago. But she simply nodded her head and bit her lip out of anger. Freeing her hand out of his, she pushed herself away from him and stood up from the bed. "You may think of me as cruel and tyrannical but know I am doing what is best for this house" he continued to speak as he watched her rub her lips aggressively to the point they were a tint of dark red.

Myanna suddenly fell to her knees beside him and grabbed his hands — the tears in her eyes glistened so heavily that her father turned away to not stare at her heartache. "I beg of you father, please do not allow this. You can send me away to any land, drop my title,  take away my earnings but please do not do this to me." the more she had continued to beg, the more her voice shook.

"father, please!" - lord byron shut his eyes so tightly trying to block out her cries and pleads. Remembering of the times she used to say the same words, 'father please', when she desperately wanted to join his meetings as a little girl, scratching her nails against his door until he unlocked it and picked her up.

"I have already made my decision" he whispered before finally looking down at her. "a messenger has already been sent" he continued coldly watching her tears fall, finally. The young girl dropped her head as her shoulders began to shake.

"leave, now" she whispered allowing her hands to fall from his to the cold ground.


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