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(Just wanna warn y'all this is a trigger warning... if you don't wish to read I would recommend you skip this chapter and pick back up on chapter 18, for anyone that's experienced domestics or anything close this gut wrenching. This is all fictional and I don't in anyway condone any of these themes in this chapter! Love yall... xoxoxo)

Nicki woke up to the sound of her alarm ringing at 7 am

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Nicki woke up to the sound of her alarm ringing at 7 am. She got out of bed and stretched her limbs before heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her children. As she was about to start cooking, she realized that Bey, her fiancé, wasn't in bed beside her. It was unusual as Bey would often snuggle next to her until Nicki woke up. However, she didn't think too much about it and assumed that Bey had gone for her usual morning jog around the block.

After preparing breakfast, Nicki picked up her phone to text Bey and check if everything was okay with her. She sent Bey a quick message asking how her jog was and if she needed anything. She waited for a few minutes but didn't receive any reply, which made her slightly worried. She decided to call Bey, but her phone was switched off. Now Nicki was concerned and wondered if something was wrong.

Nicki was worried when Bey didn't show any signs of returning home after going to the club. She stayed up all night waiting for her, but she never came back. Jay wasn't answering his phone, and nobody at the club saw her leave with anyone. Nicki was feeling stressed, but she tried to keep a calm demeanor so that the kids wouldn't suspect that something was wrong.

Blue came downstairs first with her hair brushed into a curly ponytail, she applied her lipgloss at the kitchen table as she watched Nicki prepare the meal, sneaking bites of her avocado toast and stealing bacon. "Hey Mom, you look pretty today!"

"Thank you baby... You look nice too, very girly."

"Thanks, momma...where's BB?"

Nicki glanced up at Blue with a slight frown. "I'm not sure, sweetie. Maybe she went for a morning run or something." But inside, Nicki's worry began to bubble up even more. Bey was never this late, especially without letting anyone know.

Just then, Markell and Jamal burst through the front door, out of breath and a look of panic on their face. "Nicki, we need to talk," they said, their voice slightly trembling.

Nicki's heart raced as she turned to face them. "Why what's wrong?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Markell took a deep breath before speaking. "rumor has it something bad happened last night at the club. Something...disturbing."

Nicki's eyes widened, and she felt a chill run down her spine. "What... and where's Bey?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Markell hesitated, her hands shaking slightly. "is it okay for Blue to hear this?"

Blue leaned into the table and nodded her head yes. "if you don't speak now and you know something is wrong with my mommy, ill have my daddy beat your ass." she snapped.

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