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"Beyoncé left you in charge?" Chanell asked as she raised a eyebrow

Nicki looked up from her clipboard, she was doing attendance before she was interrupted.

"Yes..." Nicki said softly. "I told her to take the day off so she could go to the spa with her home girls."

"Oh..." Chanell said before smiling. "So y'all trading places like that usher song and shit?"

Nicki chuckled at Chanel's reference. "Not quite," she replied. "Just keeping things running smoothly while she takes some well-deserved time off. B trusts me to handle things, no problem."

Chanel nodded. "Well, that's cool. I guess it's not every day you get to be in charge of the honey trap, huh?"

Nicki shrugged nonchalantly. "It's cool... I mean I was thinking. Maybe I could audition some dancers, add some new dancers."

"I don't know Nicki,  That's not our place." Chanell said.

"Me and B are together, I'm sure she will appreciate me going out of my way to bring more money in the club. We need more girls."

"Nicki? We were the new girls. I think Jay and Bey have their own game plan that we shouldn't mess with."

Nicki rolled her eyes and put her clipboard down. "We aren't strippers girl, we want to be rappers. We want Jays attention so he can sign us. So the first thing we need is new dancers up in here so we can get his attention." Nicki snapped.

Chanell sat there quietly realizing that Nickis plan was so diabolical. She wanted to date Beyoncé in hopes of getting a record deal with Jay. She was confused with how this plan would work and was hesitant to be apart of it.

"I'm doing it rather You're supporting me or not, it's up to you."

Chanell sighed and looked at Nicki with a mix of concern and frustration. "Look, Nicki, I get that you want to make things better for the club, but we can't just go behind Beyoncé's back and make decisions without her approval. She's built this place up from scratch, she knows what she's doing. And you're on your own with the JayZ thing, this might backfire."

Nicki crossed her arms defensively. "I know that, Chanell. But sometimes you need to take initiative and make things happen. We've been here for a while now, we know what the customers want. I just think it's time to bring in some fresh talent and shake things up a bit."

Chanell shook her head. "And what if Beyoncé doesn't agree with your choices? What if it ends up causing a rift between you two? You think she'll appreciate that?"

Nicki softened her expression. "I don't want to cause any problems, Chanell. I just want to help the club thrive. And I believe B will trust my judgment. We've built a strong foundation here, and I think she knows that I have the best interests of the club at heart."

Chanell sighed again. "I hope you're right. I just don't want this shit to backfire."

Nicki nodded, understanding Chanell's concern. "I need you to be here for me... you're like a sister to me. Sometimes, you have to take risks to move forward. I'll talk to Beyoncé about it and make sure we're on the same page. I don't want anything to jeopardize what we have going on."

THE HONEY TRAP | BeyNikaWhere stories live. Discover now