13. Sheila

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The next day I go to the station with my roommates. We all make it in time and there's immediately work to do.
"Have you had breakfast, yet?" Tristan asks me while I'm sorting files like I've been told.
"Yes, I didn't skip it today." I lie to him, concentrating on my work but the silence grows thick and I glance at him.

He's wearing a suit again, so tidy and pretty.
It defines his body.
"Why do you always lie to me?" He chuckles, a glint in his grey eyes.
I analyse every single detail of him while he takes off his suit's jacket, and the white shirt under it is working wonders for his muscles.
He has a different tie, this one is black and formal.
"Are you lost in your thoughts again?" He asks, searching for my gaze.
"Yeah, sorry. What did you say?" I ask nicely.
"Were you check-"

"Sheila, there's someone looking for you!" Simone calls for me from the reception area, interrupting her partner's sentence.
"Strange..." I say, going to her and finding that dumbass of a buzz boy with his hands in his pockets.
"Your boyfriend came to see you, he says it's important." Adds the detective and I smile gently, thanking her and waiting for her to leave us alone so I can murder Harper.

"How are you, baby?" his dimples show, his eyes sleepy.
"Are you out of your mind!?" I whisper, getting closer to him to avoid anyone hearing me go feral on him.
"What did I do wrong?" He blinks, clueless.
"Is this a game for you? Do you know how dangerous this is?" I point a finger at him, feeling like a mother that's trying her best to educate her stubborn son.
He looks at me, shamelessly sizing me up and then focusing on my neck.
"You're wearing the necklace."
"Of course I'm wearing it. Stop changing the topic." I'm about to tell him a few more things but he gently touches my neck and I freeze.

"It suits you so well." He's focused on the diamond necklace he gifted me.
Angie's necklace.
I can feel his hand's warmth, his fingers on the necklace's silvery string on my skin.
I swallow, his eyes follow the movement of my adam's apple and then burn into mine with fiery tension.
"Someone could recognise you." I whisper cautiously, scared that it could really happen.
"I cut my hair." He answers bringing his hand to my face.
"It's still dangerous, you came here without even telling me." I'd yell at him but I can't, and he's too close for me to breathe normally.

"You weren't answering the phone, I had to come personally." Such a lame excuse.
"What's so important?" I ask trying to concentrate.
"He's in town." He whispers back and my eyes widen.
"Are you sure?" I can't believe it.
"He came for his niece's funeral."
My heart stops for a millisecond, Harper lets go of me and takes a deep breath too.
"I saw him with my own eyes." He adds and I look down to the floor, still processing how things are happening so quick.
"What do we do?" I am scared now, I didn't expect my best friend's killer to be so close to us.

"Nothing, for now." His eyes soften and he touches my hair in a comforting way.
"He came sooner than I thought. I didn't think he'd care for Caitleen." I add still surprised.
"I know, but it happened. We better keep away from him, until the right time to face him comes." He kisses the top of my head and smiles.
"Go back to work, your mentor is throwing knives at me with his eyes." Harper chuckles and I glance back, finding Tristan staring at us with his jaw clenched.
"Never show up like this, again." I tell him, his mint green eyes look at me intently.
He's listening for once.
"I won't, I'll let you do your thing." Dimple boy hugs me tightly and then goes away, permitting me to get back to what I was doing.

"Sorry for that." I apologise to Tristan that surely must be thinking of adding this to my university report as minus points.
"He's your boyfriend?" His question comes out so strict and demanding that I feel a shiver go down my spine.
"No, he's-"
"Simone called him your boyfriend before." His tone keeps being demanding, his eyes tell me he wants answers.
"He's just a friend, there's nothing romantic between us." My sentence is straight to the point, making it obvious that I'm giving him the right information but I'm doubting his reasons for asking.
"The same thing I told Gaia about relationships, applies to you." Is he giving me life lessons?
"You should focus on your future."
"I am." I say decisively.
"Do you see him often?" He keeps asking me about Harper and it's annoying.
"Why do you want to know?" I look bothered by his nosey curiosity and he must understand what I'm feeling, because he clears his throat and takes a few papers that have been on his desk since I arrived.

"You're right, sorry. Curiosity got the best of me." Tristan chuckles, I narrow my eyes when I notice the slightest blush on his face.
"Please go print these for me." He gives me the papers and sits at his desk while I simply do as he says.
He's acting weird, he looks nervous.
I shrug it off, not usually thinking much of other people's business when I already have mine to fill my schedule.

What Harper said, comes back to me.
My best friend's killer is in town, I should be happy to finally have him close enough to make him pay for his crimes.
I should be revengeful, angry. I should plan my encounter with him, what I'd tell him and what I'd do.
Yet, all I feel in this moment is a deep sadness.
When Angie died, it was like a whole apocalypse had struck over everyone that knew her.
It was devastating.

I reach for the diamond necklace hanging around my neck, the only thing that holds all of Angie's memories.
My mind drifts off to her laughter, her golden locks and the emerald green eyes.
Her and Harper looked like twins to most, but he was older than us.
He was the dragon in our games and we were the knights, chasing him around the back yard.

Wolf in sheep's clothing || There was a girl, and there was a wolf ~Where stories live. Discover now