6. Sheila

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They are taking forever and if I don't eat something in the next hour, I'll probably pass out.

"Damn, Tristan sounds mad..." Gaia is standing right in front of the door to the security room and keeps her ear close to it, so she could eavesdrop on the detectives.
"What are they saying?" I ask her while ignoring my stomach's grumbling.
"Simone just told him about the cameras not working and I think he's losing it." She's smiling, she loves drama.
I look around, there's so many people that it's hard to see but noticing the cameras on various points near the platforms, I wonder if they thought about the external ones.

"We're going back" Tristan's expression is solemn but Gaia doesn't hesitate to approach him when he walks out the door and almost bumps into her.
"How did it go?" She asks with the enthusiasm that I'm supposed to share but do not.
"We got what we needed," he says coldly.
"The only working cameras are the ones on the outside, on the steps to the exit and entrance point of the subway" explains the strawberry blond woman while her partner walks ahead of us without even waiting.

"Is he pissed or..." I ask in an attempt to understand his behaviour.
"He's disappointed, don't mind him."
We go to Tristan's car with her, driving back at the station in complete silence and wondering what could be so bad that's making my annoying neighbour so stressed.
I get out of the car with Gaia and just as we go towards the station, Simone calls out to him.
"Where are you going, now!?"
He doesn't stop and Simone sighs, clearly used to his ways.
"What's going on?" Asks my fellow mate and the detective waves it off with her hand and makes us go back inside the station.

I'm sat in front of Simone's desk and Gaia is sat in front of Tristan's.
We're both sorting and reorganising piles of papers by ourselves while everyone else is much focused on solving their cases.
"Do you think it would be possible for me to date him?" Gaia rests her head on her arm as she leans on the desk, near her straight pile of documents.
"Date, who?" I ask her curiously.
She smiles at me mischievously, I'll never understand what goes on in that head of hers.
"Tristan," she says his name with a deep sigh, her gaze is dreamy.
"Are you serious right now?"
"I'm just saying, you know? He's so hot." She giggles and I furrow my brows as I look back at the papers I was reorganising just before her interruption.
"No way. That guy is our freaking neighbour!" I tell her feeling disgusted and the sudden imagine of her kissing him makes me want to puke.

"He's our neighbour!?" She shouts and I rapidly shush her, noticing how everyone is looking.
"Gaia, stop shouting. Yes, he lives in the apartment next to ours."
"That's even better, I may pay him a late night visit when we finish here..." the way she bites her lip saying that, makes me want to disappear.
I can feel my stomach tighten and I'm not sure if my hunger has anything to do with it, but it's a very strange feeling.
"I don't think you're allowed to sleep with our mentors," I tell her in an attempt to change her freaked up mind.
"Come on, I'm sure he likes me too. Everybody does," that statement just gave me a headache.
"And he's close to our age, he's just perfect. He could be my next catch!"

I think of Jayden that seemed to really like her this morning.
I wonder what he'd say if he heard this.
"Who's your catch?"
A white box gets planted right in front of me on the desk and looking up I see Tristan smiling, hands on his hips as he glares at me and then at my mate.
He must be waiting for us to include him in the conversation.
"The boy living with me and Sheila," this girl's lying abilities are impressive.
"His name is Jayden, right? His advisor is John, if I'm not mistaken..." Tristan seems to buy her lie.
"He's not that interesting though..." adds Gaia giving him one of her killer, dolly looks that make her have anyone she wants.

"He's not? He seems pretty smart to me."
Tristan takes a seat across from her and leans back in his chair.
Has he even noticed the way Gaia looks at him? Does he even acknowledge her at all?
"He's not my type..." her sentence is about to continue but she must be waiting for him to ask and yet, he never asks.
"My type is someone a little older. I like a grown man with stability in his life..." she keeps staring at him as if somehow she'd be able to bewitch him if only he looked back at her, once.

"A beautiful girl like you, shouldn't waste time with men. It's pointless at such a young age. Focus on what's really important, focus on your own life path."
His tone is serious, the deep voice sounding a little lazy but still powerful.
He looks at her, but Gaia's magic doesn't work on him.
I'm impressed, so impressed that my expression shows it and he notices.
"Do you like Jayden, as well?" His question finds me unprepared and I stutter for absolutely no valid reason.

"I- uhm... no, no, of course not."
"So you're single and don't like anyone?" He's smirking. My heart is racing, I can't stop my hands from shaking.
"She's probably a virgin too," Gaia's comment makes my eyes widen.
I look at her in shock, I can't believe she exposed me with such intense negativity.
"Gaia!" I call out to her and she shrugs, a frown on her face.
What even was that for? I didn't do anything!
"Are you?" Tristan laughs softly and I can feel the heat arise from my neck up to my face.

I want to go away, I'm so embarrassed and uncomfortable. I want to slap Gaia so bad.
I can't find my words so I nod slightly, enough for him to receive an answer.
"It's fine, the best girls are." I look at him and he winks at me.
He WINKED at me. My stomach tightens more than it ever has done before and I'm not sure if it's hunger or embarrassment, or maybe both?
"That's just favouritism, now" says the eccentric girl sounding offended.

Wolf in sheep's clothing || There was a girl, and there was a wolf ~Where stories live. Discover now