3. Sheila

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I wake up to the third alarm I set on my phone and then I hear a loud crash of pots coming from the kitchen. Jayden's cursing follows and I groan loudly; Another brilliant day is about to begin.

I get out of bed with the will to live of a zombie and walk out of the room, towards the bathroom where I knock and Gaia yells, "Busy!"
Now I have to wait.
I breathe deeply as I lean against the wall and patiently wait for her to get out, to then look at her sparkly outfit with confusion.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"At the station!" She answers with a shrill voice that makes me squint my eyes.
"Why are you so excited?" My question is left unanswered when Jayden curses again from the kitchen and Gaia goes to him with such urgency that it makes me think he could have lit the kitchen on fire, and she knows about it.

"Madness..." I whisper to myself while I finally get to follow my morning routine and brush my hair, hoping for it to not become frizzy from the messed up weather.
When I get out, I can smell burnt bacon and hear the sizzle of a frying pan. I touch my grumbling stomach, wanting to make it stop so I could dress up before finding myself craving for unburnt food and grieving that poor bacon that couldn't make it past Jayden's embarrassing culinary abilities.

"Hey, Sheila! Want breakky?" Jayden says as his head peeks out from the kitchen and he's looking at me down the hall.
"Uhm, no thanks. I'll get something on the way to the station." I tell him, opening the door to my room and sizing up my wardrobe in search for an adequate outfit.

I choose something that matches the environment of the CID like an elegant, white shirt and high waist black jeans with a chess print, plaid jacket.
The outfit deserves a presentation, I love everything about it and it changes my mood to an extent that I am actually giving this day another chance to get better.
Surpassing the hall, I take a seat on one of the stalls to the counter table that separates the kitchen from the living room. It's a big room really but all three of us, living there, like it.

"Coffee?" Gaia holds up her cup of coffee to get my attention and I shake my head, "No, I quit."
"How can you quit drinking coffee?" Asks Jayden sitting on the opposite side of me with a plate of his burnt breakfast in front of him.
"I just did," i say. "It wasn't good for me, and I prefer tea anyway."
"We should really buy some teabags to have in the house," says Gaia sipping on her coffee and agreeing with me for once.
"I wouldn't give off coffee for tea, no chance." Jayden speaks with his mouth full and I chuckle, Gaia slaps his head slightly and he complains with indecipherable sounds.

"Don't speak with your mouth full, you punk!" The brown eyed girl is scolding him and I can't stop laughing. She adjusts her black, wavy hair and he watches her annoyed at first and then like he's in awe.
I can't say I didn't see this coming, they spend a lot of time together and one of them absolutely has to have a crush on the other. Jayden surely is starting to like Gaia, I can see his pupils dilate while she is focused on making herself look pretty.
If I didn't know better, I'd say he is falling for her quite deeply.
"Who were you guys assigned to?" I ask, focusing the conversation on what's actually important.

"I'm with John, working at the security system." Jayden speaks up when he's finished his bite of food and I feel sorry for him.
John is the officer that pretty much laughed at me for wanting to become a criminologist, one day in the future.
"I got a certain Tristan guy, I heard he's one of the best detectives in the station and among the SD&SA section (Suspicious Deaths and Serious Assaults)," adds Gaia and I raise my brows surprised to hear we'll be in the same section.
"Really? I'll be there too, but with some woman called Simone."

"Why am I separated from you two?" Jayden's eyes sadden, they match his light brown hair falling down his face gently.
"Don't worry, we'll meet at every break and besides, we live together. We can hang out every day after the working hours." Gaia has a point and I hum a yes, agreeing with her.

"I think I'll go ahead, so I can buy something from the bakery near the station." I get off my seat and walk to the entrance where I put my shoes on.
"We'll see you there," tells me Gaia just as I'm closing the door and I'm on the freezing cold stairs out of the apartment.
I shiver and zipping up my coat, I check my phone for my mom's daily check up.
Last night she called me, I talked to her for an hour about the first day on my internship and she constantly asked if I was alright with sharing an apartment with two other people and if I needed anything from her to send me.

Her and dad were completely against this, absolutely contrary to my chosen field of interest and utterly incapable of accepting that I had applied for the internship without their permission.
I made up a few credible excuses and they finally agreed to it, it's not like they had much of a choice anyway.

I push the door to the bakery but it doesn't budge. I look inside, noticing it's empty and the sign on the door shows 'closed' on it.
"Oh, come on!" I complain annoyed as I check the time on my phone.
It's seven in the morning and they're still not open? I check the timetable on the door and it says they only open after eight, so I take a deep breath to not say anything mean to the camera on the upper side of the wall.

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