4. Sheila

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At the station, there's a woman with strawberry blond hair and green eyes smiling at me like I'm exactly who she was waiting for.
"Is it Sheila?" She asks with a kind voice, that smile never leaving her lips.
"I'm Simone, Mr.Gale assigned you to me."
She extends a hand for me to shake and I take it, she's got such a gentle touch that I smile back at her despite my questionable hesitance.
"You're right on time, that's excellent!" She seems proud, if she is then I am too.
"Thanks," I say not knowing how to keep that conversation going.

Simone gestures for me to follow her and I do so.
"Mr. Gale must have showed you around yesterday so I won't do it again but in case you are not sure where to go, you can ask anyone and they'll be happy to help you." If I hadn't met Mr. John 'Donut' the day before, I probably would have believed her.

This is the best thing that could ever happen to me. Get an internship and working with actual detectives on cases...
I mean, this is a dream come true! But why do I feel like something is awfully wrong here?
There's this self-destroying feeling that won't let me sleep at night and it's awful.

"Me and Detective Jolimont are partners, for every case we are usually expected to attend together." Simone's explanation brings me back to reality, I have to pay attention if I want to have a future as bright as hers.
"Detective Jolimont?" I ask completely unaware of who this other person could be.
"Yes, you'll meet him in a minute." Her smile is so pretty, it makes her whole figure shine like a ray of sunshine.
"Is it true that you guys get calls at random times?" I ask out of pure curiosity as I walk with her through the desks of busy officers and associates in the station, and finally find myself sitting down in front of her desk.

"We do, two nights back I got a call on the most recent case of a young girl's body found in the subway and I just had to go. Even if it was at two in the morning."
I nod at her brief statement, I'll never understand how someone gets used to this life but I like it.
I like it a lot, I want it too.
"Are the students here, already?" I'm startled by the deep voice behind me and I turn my head, my eyes widen.
"Only one of them, this is Sheila." Says Simone to the 6,1 foot tall man standing right there.

I think I might be staring at him, it's my neighbour. That annoying brat that was smoking on the balcony last night, the one that I couldn't manage to get a full view of and that is now towering over my presence.
"What a surprise..." his tone is sarcastic, his grey eyes are digging into my soul and I feel breathless.
He's different, something about him is making me want to get a good look at him and make a comparison with the way he looked last night.

It might be the slick back with something like a taper fade and a few tufts of hair falling nicely on his forehead. It could also be that black suit, embracing him into such elegance that I can feel my heart start racing and I want it to stop right away.
"You know him?" Simone asks me and I glance at her a second before finding myself staring at him again. It's like I can't stop.
"He's my neighbour, apparently." My answer is short, my breath is short too and I'm sure my life is as well.

Because with which universal cycle of destiny have I been so unlucky, as to be working for a year time with a person that I'll see out of the station too?
But, I must not despair, I must take a deep breath and calm down.
I barely even know this guy, what could possibly be the reason for me to talk to him at all? Absolutely none.

"That's right, we had a little chat from out the balcony," he chuckles.
Why does he have to chuckle like that? In such a way that makes me lose focus and every other reasoning.

The white shirt contrasts with the shiny material of his suit and that velvet red tie of his is quite an eye catch.
"You could watch over her and the other two students living in that apartment, then" chuckles Simone before adding, "you could become their supervisor, Tristan."
Her laugh is contagious and I smile.
"I'm sure they can take care of themselves, they'll take their own risks responsibly." He's smirking at me, again.

He's smirking just like he did last night.
I'd be so happy to delete that cocky smile off his face.
"I'm Tristan, it's nice to officially meet you."
He holds his hand out to me and I look at it like he could be hiding a knife somewhere in his sleeve.
I shake his hand and he squeezes slightly just before I pull back. I can feel my body warming up and it's dead annoying.
"Sorry I'm late! I'm so sorry, my friend almost got our apartment on fire..." Gaia looks like she run here.

She walks towards us with a heavy breath but quickly regains her composure and adjusts her hair, as is typical of her.
"No problem, you're only a few minutes late and we haven't even started yet." Simone reassures her and I can see Jayden pass by at a few desks distance, probably looking for Donut John.
"So, which one of you am I supposed to look after?" Asks Tristan and a chill goes through my spine when he speaks.

I see Gaia finally noticing him and just like Jayden was in awe with her back at the apartment, so was she with Tristan.
"Sheila is with me, you'll take Gaia." The beautiful green eyed woman gets up from her desk with a file that I have no idea where she got from and hands it to the awfully handsome man with his hands in his pockets.

Wolf in sheep's clothing || There was a girl, and there was a wolf ~Where stories live. Discover now