A Second Chance PT 9

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Tags for this chapter: Grumpy x Sunshine, Double life, Secret Identity, FLUFF, Vulgar language, Miguel x reader, Spiderman 2099 x reader, them being awkward, Reader going into labor......8.9k words

AND BEFORE Y'ALL SAY ANYTHING YES IK I TOOK FOREVER AND I'M SO SO SORRY!!! There's not really much to say other than I started working my school load got worse and when I finally got to writing and wanting to edit I was sick really bad for damn near a whole week. BUT I'M HERE NOW AND I'M PRESENT! I tried to let y'all know I'm alive by responding to comments etc. BUT THANK YOU ALL FOR WAITING!<33333

Disclaimer there will be descriptions of a woman going into active labor. (Nothing too vivid) Although everyone's labor story is different and of course, people who have been pregnant will be able to explain and give a better description. I have not been pregnant before so I don't have a proper understanding of what really happens during that time. Just wanted to give you guys a heads-up and apologize if I got anything wrong. Mwah<333


You stare at Miguel in horror as he slowly closes his eyes.

"M-Miguel..?" Your voice is so small you can barely even hear yourself. Immediately you place your fingers on his neck to check for his pulse. You meant it with every fiber in your being that you wouldn't know what to do if you lost him. You want him there with you...you need him.

You let out a strangled cry when you managed to feel his pulse. You look at Lyla as you wipe your face. "L-Lyla where are they he's still alive but he needs to-"

"They're on their way, it has to be through a helicopter the roads well...you know" You nod your head before you gently begin to stroke his face with one hand as the other rests on your stomach.

You can hear the helicopter coming from a distance. So you place a kiss on his forehead before Ben helps you up as the paramedics emerge from the helicopter a few feet over. You watch as they slowly begin to load Miguel onto the stretcher that they have. Gathering the information that you need from the paramedics to locate him you wait until Peter gets help before allowing Ben to take you home.

As much as you protest against it he didn't allow it. Nor did Lyla. All you wanted to do was go straight to Miguel but that wasn't even an option. Their reasoning "Miguel would kill us if he found out we allowed you to walk home by yourself, especially after all this"

Once reaching home you try your hardest to calm yourself down for your sake and the baby's. You quickly grab your hospital bag just in case and fill it up with snacks you plan on staying by his side for as long as you can before you are forced to leave.


Finally making it to the hospital and given today's current events everything is a mess. Doctors are running everywhere, patients are overflowing the hallways, there's clearly no room for them. You gently cradle your stomach as you take in your surroundings there's blood.... everywhere. Some people are screaming out in agony while others try their best to apply pressure to their wounds.

You make a beeline for the front desk and ask for Miguel O'Hara. It takes a few minutes for the receptionist to find Miguel but when she finally does you have to try to keep your cool when she says you can't be allowed to see him. You blurt out that he's the father of your child and she looks at you up and down before giving you the directions to his room.

You decided to go by yourself because you knew the Spiders were busy. You know that they have bigger things to worry about and...it just doesn't seem fair. Plus you're positive that they'll get here eventually. He is their boss after all. You have to count even numbers in your head to keep yourself focused. This is the only way that's preventing you from crying. You just can't believe that it has come to this. Ben almost died, Miguel almost died and so many innocent people got caught in the crossfire. None of this would've happened if it wasn't for your ex.

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