Love Yourself

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What to wear?

What to wear?

What to wear?

You've been staring at your closet for the past 30 minutes and you can't find anything to wear. Or rather you can't find anything that you think you look good in. You can't find anything that won't show off your curves and it's pissing you off maybe...maybe you shouldn't go out tonight. You and your girlfriends decided it was a girl's night out and you were more than happy to join but ever since someone made a comment on your body at work you have been in a downward spiral. You've started eating less, and whenever you do eat you have to make sure you check the calories of each ingredient included in the dish. It's tiring for sure but if this is what it takes to lose weight then so be it. You can't stand to go on social media looking at all of the girls with no ounce of fat, looking at the girls with a huge thigh gap knowing that yours rub together with each step you take. You were annoyed to the point where you thought you should just stop eating entirely and just drink those healthy disgusting green juices. With a heavy sigh, you enter your closet again trying to find an oversized dress that hides everything, and with your luck, you can't find it. Giving up, you walk over to the nightstand and grab your phone texting the girls that you can't make it tonight. With tears in your eyes, you curl yourself into a ball under your covers trying to cry yourself to sleep. You lie under the covers for about 10 minutes before you hear your front door opening with heavy footsteps approaching your bedroom.

"Cariño what are you still doing here I thought you were going out" he says as he looks at all of your clothes on the floor and your closet looking like a mess. When you don't respond you feel a gentle tap on your shoulders as he pulls the covers off of you.

"The girls cancelled" You say as you try to wipe your eyes. He narrows his eyes at you as he accesses your face.

"You're lying"

"I'm not"

"You are"

"Miguel please"

"I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me what's wrong" he says as he begins to caress your face. Dammit you knew you he would see right through your lie. You both always joked that you were a bad liar. You sit up and take a deep breath.

"Nothing looks good on me.... I just.....couldn't find anything to wear. Everything makes me look bigger and I can't go outside looking like that. Looking like-"

"Go outside looking like what? Cause every time I see you I see nothing but a beautiful woman. I see someone who's smart, fierce, and kind. So please go outside looking like what?" Over the past 2 weeks, Miguel has seen a change. He noticed you started eating less, he noticed the baggy clothes you started wearing, and he noticed the dark colors you started wearing. He noticed that you always kept your hair down covering your face. He noticed everything at first he thought it was just you trying to do something different but after he heard your words he knew it was more serious than that.

"Miguel you don't understand.....I need to lose weight I can't-"

"Lose weight? Where is this coming from? Did something happen?" You turn your head not wanting him to see you cry.

"Hey baby look at me," he says as he turns your face to look at him.

"Did someone.... say something to you?" You don't have it in you to say anything so you keep quiet and let the tears fall

"Give me a name. I'll deal with it" his voice drops into a deep tone sending shivers down your body.

"Miguel stop"

"No, if someone said something to you I'll deal with it. You know I can find them" You do know and that's what scares you. You know Miguel has no problem handling someone who do you wrong. He has always protected you, and he has never hesitated to punch someone in your honor. You know that if you don't give him a name one way or another he'll find out. So you take a deep breath and say the person's name and you watch as his eyes darken briefly before he leans in planting a kiss on your forehead.

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