A Second Chance PT 6

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You stare at him with wide eyes as he slowly backs away from you. His hand is still cradling the side of your face. You stare at his lips which have a hint of shininess to them, clearly evident from the kiss the two of you just shared.


It finally dawns on you. You just kissed your neighbor and you enjoyed every second of it even if it wasn't under the best circumstances. Jesus, you were just having the hots for Spiderman and now you're kissing your neighbor? Okay well, not exactly the hots you were just pretending to take off your clothes for him as a joke.

“He's gone now”  You expected him to wipe off his lips but instead he licks it and stuffs his hands into his pockets while looking around. You nod your head and begin to fiddle with the strings of his hoodie. Your ex-husband was here and you were this close to getting stuck in his web again. It took you forever to find a place where you think he wouldn't find you and now look. If it wasn't for your neighbor—O’Hara you would've been back “home” and you're positive he wouldn't let you out of his sight again.

Suddenly going to yoga doesn't sound too appealing right now. You feel your eyes fill with tears as you feel her moving. Is it bad to say that you don't want her to meet her own father?

“He's gone now there's no need to worry” You look at him confused now that you think about it how in the world did he know that that was your ex-husband?

“Let's go you're going to be late” You follow him absentmindedly as he has a hand on your lower back guiding you to the parking lot. You press your car keys to locate your car and he leads you there. You go to get in the driver's seat when you feel his hand on your forearm. “Are you okay to drive?”

You shrug your shoulders. “Well, I don't have anyone else are you going to the same gym as me?” He nods. “Do you mind driving?” He shakes his head. “Get in the passenger seat” You walk around the other side getting in the car and putting on your seatbelt.

You give him the directions for the gym and for the first 10 minutes you guys sit in silence. You have to say something right? You guys literally just kissed…well that felt more than a kiss but it feels weird to call it anything else so a kiss it is. But honestly, your head can't wrap around the fact that he knew. It makes no sense the only person you told about your ex-husband was Spiderman. Just how much do they talk about you?

“I get that you and Spiderman are friends but it does make me feel a little weird that you guys talk so much about my personal life. How did you know about my…ex-husband?”

It takes him a minute to respond. It's like he's contemplating what he should say. “Spiderman didn't tell me anything your husband-”

“Ex-husband we're not together”

“Right…well he came and said he was looking for someone who's pregnant, his wife to be exact. I assumed it was you cause you're the only pregnant woman I've seen here”

You slowly nod as you process this information. “Please tell me you didn't tell him where I live I don't-”

“No, I didn't tell him anything I told him that there's no one who's pregnant that lives here” You let out a breath of relief and you played with the ends of his hoodie. “You didn't tell him what floor I live on if you ever saw me or-” He cuts you off.

“No, I said nothing you have my word. I figured if you're not living with him then you clearly don't want him knowing where you are. You’re his wife and you're carrying his child. Anyone would expect you to be with your husband but you're not so the evidence is clear” You mumble a thank you to him as you stare out the window.

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