A Second Chance Pt 7

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You stare up at Miguel as you gently rub your thumb against the back of his hand that's on your face.

"Please say something, anything literally no one knows about this you're the first one to know" He says nothing as he stares at you. You really really hope you didn't mess things up by telling him this.

"How long have you known?" You shrug your shoulders. "I didn't know at first I found out by accident when I accidentally walked in on a meeting that he had with his men. But I genuinely don't remember when that was. I did whatever I could to forget all those memories" Slowly he nods as he pulls his hand away from your face but before he can break contact you take both of your hands to hold his. "P-please are you mad at me if you are please tell me or—or if you want me to quit then I'll go just-" He cuts you off with a raise of his free hand.

"No, you're not going anywhere just tell me...if I didn't ask would you have ever told me?" You slowly lower your head of course you wouldn't have told him anything you meant it when you said that this was something you were supposed to take to your grave. You begin to shake your head no. "I didn't think there was a reason to because he promised me that he would stop and I never heard from that side of him again. Please believe me when I say that I'm not a spy or that he didn't send me here-"

He cuts you off as he takes a small step back. "Just stop-" You begin to rapidly shake your head. You need him to believe you. You don't know what you would do if he didn't want to be around you anymore. He's helped you in more ways than you could count and if you lost him as a friend or if you just lost him in general you would be devastated. You feel tears beginning to fill your eyes at the thought of losing all of them. Of losing him. "I would've never come here if I knew I would put any of you guys in harm's way I care about you all so much I would never please Miguel I care about you so so much I wouldn't do that to you and-"

"I believe you" You stare at him in shock. "What?"

"I said I believe you. I don't think you are a spy I don't think you are a bad person....I know what he's done to you I know what you're running away from especially if he's your husband—ex-husband. It's okay." You nod along to his words eagerly as he lets out a deep sigh. "Okay...well thank you" You pause to give the hand that you're still holding a squeeze. "If you want me to leave for the day or for the rest of the week then I-"

He shakes his head. "You can't leave, he's looking for you" You take a step back he's what? So all of this chaos was because of you? "Oh, so I can't stay here if I'm putting you all in danger I need to leave Miguel I can't...I'm so so sorry" You turn around forcefully letting go of his hand as you begin to walk further away from him. Stepping onto the platform you begin to cradle your stomach with one hand as you begin to look for the button that lowers the platform. As you look you try to ignore the fact that Miguel is now on the platform as well. You continue to look around for it even after a month you still can't figure out how to work this platform thingy.

You are pulled out of your thoughts when you feel a hand lightly gripping onto your forearm. When you turn around he pulls you in until your faces are mere inches apart. "Like hell, I'm just going to let you leave. I mean it when I say you're not going anywhere. He already thinks that you're not here so you going anywhere else right now is putting you both in danger" You slowly nod. "But he's already been to where I live and now where I work it's only a matter of time before he finds us...Spidey I really don't want her to meet him like at all. He can't find us" You begin to wipe away your tears as you lean forward to rest your head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for crying I know how much it makes you uncomfortable"

"Stop apologizing and he won't find you I'll make sure of it" You nod into his shoulder but then pause when you realize you're missing someone. You immediately remove your head from his shoulder peeking out from his arm to see if she's okay. Your eyes grow wide with horror as you realize she's crawling on the ceiling.

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