just a little while more

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" ah, what happened to him?" Kota pointed at izuku whose face was swallowed all over while uraraka had her back turned to him with pouting expression as they all sit on the uraraka's room" I got beat down for training my daughter to protect herself " " Tenya tell him not to try to play the victim,he know he's the one wrong here for exhausting her" " shoto tell her she know damn well I won't do anything to hurt my daughter" " Tenya tell him he know what I mean " " how about you two grow up and have a civilised discussion?" " tell him/her that!" Tenya sighed as eri looked at uraraka " but mama, I'm the one who asked papa to train me, it's not his fault " " even so sweetie, he knew you were very tired so it was his fault for agreeing, you could've trained after you rest, there's plenty of time to do that during or after the training camp" " you know very well why that isn't possible sweetheart " Uraraka looked at izuku as he healed his face " training eri in crowded places is very risky since she could end up rewinding someone with the technique I'm teaching her if she doesn't control it properly, and there's no way they would let me be alone with her during a camp in the middle of a forest, hence it was the only possible time especially with those rock giants as targets" "you could've asked nezu to barrow a training ground after we're back, I'm honestly with ochako in this one" "I agree with shoto, there was no need to rush it" izuku sighed as he finished healing his face " you guys don't understand, it's complicated" " you always say that but never explain what you really mean" Uraraka tone softened as she looked at izuku" tell us what you're hiding izuku" " just... forget about it. I'm going for a walk " izuku stood up and smiled as he pat eri's head " sorry for making you work that hard while you were tired" eri didn't have the chance to answer as izuku walked out of the room " am I the only one who found this weird?" Kota looked at the door then at Tenya" he always been unpredictable like this kota, he will probably come back with a smile like nothing happened tomorrow, we should probably head back as well, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow " " see you guys tomorrow " " good night Kota-kun" eri smiled to Kota who waved as he walked with shoto and Tenya before she turned to uraraka and extended her arms which made uraraka smile and pick eri " mama, are you still mad of papa?" " no honey, I'm just a bit annoyed he's being so mysterious " " papa always keep secrets, but it always turns out good in the end right?" Uraraka smiled and lay down on the bed with eri " I guess you're right, let's sleep for now and figure out something tomorrow " eri nodded and snuggled to uraraka as she closed her eyes.

izuku was walking through the forest until  he stopped in front of a tree and jumped to the top as he lay down looking at the sky for a second before pulling the necklace in his left hand and opening it with a sigh ( you good?) izuku looked to the left seeing koribo floating beside him " it has been a while since you used telepathy" ( it would drag unwanted attention if I made any noise) " your appearance really makes it hard to believe you're thousands years old and actually wise" ( are you tired?) Izuku smiled and leaned his head back to the tree" you always read me like an open book, yeah I'm tired but I can't back away after I made it this far; I chose this path and have to see it through " ( are you planning on explaining everything to your friends after that?) " they already have enough in their plate anyway, no need to complicate things further to them by such an old story " ( no one will know what you're sacrificing ) koribo flied and rested in top of izuku's head ( are you okay with that?) " I'm not doing this to be called a hero, you know I gave up that long ago. They're just kids so let them enjoy the peace for now, they deserve it "( you're a kid as well) " everyone is considered a brat compared to you mister 5000 years old " ( you know what I mean izuku) " I do but you also know why I can't give up" izuku heard a small noise from koribo over his head ( I'm too old to deal with you) " hey it's not like I'm the first one you looked after, I don't hear you complaining about atem or jaden " ( atem wasn't reckless like you and jaden had yubel and neos to help me look after him) " okay fair " izuku closed the necklace and put around his neck as he jumped off the tree and yawned " do me a favour and stay with eri during the training camp when I'm not around, if anything happens send me your location" ( at least ask nicely) " you know I never say please and you won't refuse anything that has to do with eri " ( I guess you're right) koribo start to vanish as izuku walked back to his room ( just few more days, I need to protect them until the end of the training camp).

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