I'm izuku Necrophades

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" so let me get this straight" Izuku said as he looked at Aizawa who was sitting in the couch in front of him " I have to stay at one of UA staff's house for the duration of my time in UA except when I'm at the school" Aizawa nodded as izuku continued " and everyone in the UA staff hates my guts except for nezu, so how come you Aizawa the most lazy ass hero of all time volunteered to allow me to stay here at your home? what's the catch?"." You can tell that I don't have any hatred against you right? why are still so suspicious then?"." When you are 5 years and spend the next 10 years of your life in the most secured prison in the world all while being called a monster and other names by the guards every time they bring you food and tossed to you like a dog you earn the habit of doubting people's motivations especially heroes in my case" Aizawa wasn't sure how to react at the words he heard and looked to the side before izuku suddenly burst out laughing " have you seen your face? Oh man your shocked and guilt expression are priceless, I'm gonna enjoy messing with you from now on zombie head"." Let's not waste any more time, school is about to start and your car has arrived". " I didn't think you knew sarcasm" izuku said as he looked from the window at the big armory that was surrounded by soldiers and heroes from all sides " is this how we gonna be travelling from now on?"." The HSPC may have allowed the deal but they still have major concerns about you, they will be keeping a close eye at you from now on"." The 'heroes' around us definitely proves your point " izuku said waving at them with a pleasant smile which made some of them glare at him " I don't even need my power to tell you how much they hate me". When they reached the armory one of the guards put a handcuffs on izuku's wrist " cancelling handcuffs huh? Just how desperate are you exactly to do all this because of a 16 years old teenager?" the guard didn't respond to what izuku said and just leaded him inside the armory as they made their way to UA.

" this place is huge" izuku said as he looked around the school ground in awe after the armory he was in stopped in front of UA gate " I have to inform nezu of your arrival, your class is 1A which I'm their homeroom teacher, I'm sure you can find your way on your own but please don't start a fight with anyone"." I'm offended Aizawa, after 3 months of me having fun messing with you this how little trust you have in me? I thought we were cool! " izuku said as he grabbed his chest dramatically " quite whining and move already the class will start soon" ." hai hai zombie sensei" izuku said as he waved his hand and started walking through UA grounds." Hey is that him?/ the boy with zorc link right/ what is he doing here?" as izuku moved, the students around him were whispering and looking suspiciously. It wasn't long until 3 third year students blocked his way " where do you think you're going?"." Hello senpai, I'm looking for class 1A in the heroes course, would you be kind and tell me where I can find it?" ." Is this is a joke?" One of the students said in disgust " what a freak like you have to do in the heroes course?"." Beat me " izuku shrugged and answered " I was minding my business until the rat come and said he wanted me to start studying in his school, you can ask him if you want"." I don't care what nezu said, you better go back to wherever hellhole you came from freak"." Please don't get me wrong senpai" izuku said as he looked with the same pleasant smile " it doesn't matter what you think neither I care , I'm a student in this school starting from today and you can't do shit about it, now if you excuse me I have a classroom to find" izuku slipped past the three students but one of them suddenly summoned a sword in his hand and tried to stab izuku with it, but as soon as the sword touched his skin it was completely broken and the student fell in the ground motionless " you really thought I would give you my back knowing full well you will try to attack me? Today heroes are really disappointing so far"." What have you done to him monster!" one of the three students that stopped izuku shouted as he quickly bent in front of his falling friend" he's just unconscious because of gravity bind effect I set since his link is level 4"." That's impossible! a trap can't be activated unless 10 minutes has passed since you cast it and you can't use on a moving target or living beings". " really? I never know, guess you always learn now things, as a thank you I will give you an information as well " izuku said as he moved near the student's ear and whispered in a bloodthirsty toon " I have a very short temper so try avoiding making me angry or they may not find anything to put in your grave " when izuku was done he leaned back and recovered his pleasant smile as he watched the terror in his upperclassmate face " I wish this information help you senpai, feel free to share it with everyone if you want ". " What's going on here?" ectoplasm said as he made his way to the teenagers, when he stopped in front of them his eyes travelled between the unconscious third year and his friends and izuku who given him a small wave" we were just chatting and the senpais over here were very kind and offered to help me find my classroom when their friend suddenly collapsed, we were about to take him to recovery girl, isn't that right senpai?"." Please excuse us ectoplasm sensei" one of the students said as the two students carried their unconscious friend toward recovery girl's office " be careful of what you are doing from now on" ectoplasm said as he looked as izuku " the last thing you want is to make yourself less likeable than you're already are"." Of course " izuku answered maintaining his smile " you can't be too careful, especially when you are the most hated being in the world, thank you for your wisdom sensei". Ectoplasm didn't react to izuku's clear sarcasm and just pointed at a building far away " your class is located there, you will find a map that will help find it, now move you're late"." Yes sir!" Izuku given him a military salute before he went to the building ectoplasm mentioned.

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