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Valenties POV

I opened my eyes and instantly felt my entire body throbbing. I looked over, Colby was sitting on the couch watching the news on the animal attacks. I wonder if that was them? Better not to ask I guess. I moved my leg and groaned, I sqeezed my eyes shut. God fucking damn. I took a deep breath in through my mouth. "You okay?" Colby asked sitting next to me, moving the hair away from my face. I shook my head. "I feel like shit" I said as a sharp pain went through my leg. "I made you a doctor appointment." He whispered, kissing my head. 

I opened my eyes to see the room dimer he turned the lights down. "When?" I asked quietly. "In an hour, I can help you get ready." He said, helping me sit up. "Okay" I said as I ran my fingers through my hair. He picked me up and walked to the bathroom, setting me down on the counter. I reached over, grabbing the tooth brush he brought in here for me. I brushed my teeth while Colby found something for me to wear. 

I didn't do my makeup but Colby helped me brush my hair cause I couldn't lift my arm high enough. He got me leggings and one of his shirts. I was able to get the leggings on and Colby helped me put on the shirt. I smiled and leaned forward, giving him a soft kiss as he picked me up and helped me stand. I couldn't fully stand because it hurt to straighten my leg due to the knife that went in my thigh. Colby wrapped an arm around me to help stablize me and help me walk. We got in the car, he drove. I sat in the passenger seat playing music while we held hands. 

We pulled up at the hospital, he once again had to help me walk in. He checked me in while i sat down, the nurse got me a wheelchair. "Valentine Angelino?" The doctor asked, I tapped Colby, who stood up and pushed me to room number 13. "Okay so whats going on today?" She asked. "Uh- I have some cuts and stuff on my legs, back and face, and then uh I wanted to make sure so bones were broken." I whispered, she wrote all of it down. "Do you take any medications?" She asked. "Uh yes i take Olanzapine it's a antiphsycotic and helps prevent mania, and Lurasidone it's for bipolar depression." I said, Colby started at me for a second, then stopped. 

She nodded and wrote it down. "okay, I will go and set up the x-ray room, I would like to weigh you first." She asked, I nodded her and Colby helped me stand and then she held my arm so I wouldn't fall while she weighed me. "Okay hun, you weight 70 pounds I would like to talk to you about some options to help you gain weight, because if you keep loosing weight you could die dear." She said, sitting down. I sighed.

Somehow I knew this was going to happen. "Okay, what are the options?" I asked. "We could put you on a feeding tube. Not for very long, only until you weigh about 105. It's just to help nourish your body, so you don't get sick." She said, I nodded. Thats fucking embarassing. "I dont need anymore scars then I already have." I whispered, putting my hand over my old self inflicted scars, which were now purple. "we could put you on the one that does in your nose. Usually we would only do it for kids but I could bend the rules a bit." She smiled, winking at me before getting up and walking out.

Colby helped me back over to the wheel chair. She left the room and Colby started talking. "Your bipolar?" He asked, great. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I havent gone manic since I started the medication I've been getting better I swear." I kept going. 

He kissed my head. "It's okay that you didn't tell me, your better now thats what matters to me." He smiled. God I love this man. I smiled and looked down at my hands. "The whole feeding tube thing scares me, I'm going to look dumb with that." I said. He giggled, "I think you will look cute." The constant compliments are just too good, the doctor walked back in and Colby got up, he pushed me as we went through the hallway and to the x-ray room, which he had to wait outside the room. She helped me into a hospital gown and helped me lay down on the table. "We are going to do a full body x-ray so just try and stay still she smiled and walked out. 

After the x-ray Colby helped me back into my normal clothes and then pushed me back to the room. The doctor came in about 20 minutes later. "Alrighty hun, no broken bones, sprains, or fractures. You do have lacerations on your whole body, we are going to get you some pain medications and you should be healed up in a month so lets go ahead and get that feeding tude in." She said, oh fuck. 

Time skip. 

 Colby checked me out and brought me to the car, then we went and picked up the medications and then went back to the house. I was able to walk because the medication had me numbed up. I walked in and sat on the counter, I bleded a few different foods and put it through the feeding tube. Colby walked in when I finished, "This is fucking dumb." I complained.

He hummed, like he was asking what i meant. "I look fucking stupid." I whined. "No you dont." He said, walking over and kissing my head. "Hey love birds- woah." Tara said, I covered my face in embarassment. "Aww Vallie." She said, climbing onto the counter with me. She took my hands off my face, examaning it. "Why did they do that?" She asked, I sighed. "I don't weight enough, she wants to get me to at least 105 before taking it out. So fatty foods for me." I said, jokingly. She smiled. "You look cute, and the black sticker with roses fits you so you took something strange and made it into something nice." She smiled.

I could cry shes so sweet. I hugged her. "Oh hey! Thats my girl!" Jake screamed, sliding down the wall dramatically. Me and Tara started laughing at him. "Hey I thought your leg was bothering you?" Jake asked, Tara then looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "The doctor gave me medication that numbed me up so I don't feel anything." I smiled, looking down at my phone. "Oh i'll be right back." I said, running upstairs. 

I rumaged around for a second then grabbed my meds, I put each one in my hand and took them. "Hey." Colby said walking in. I started to put the pills away. "Sorry I have to take my meds at 10 AM everyday, usually you guys aren't around so I don't have to worry about it." I said as I closed the drawer. "It's fine." He said, walking over to my bed and sitting down. I walked over to him, sitting down next to him. We cuddled until I fell asleep. 

1,237 words

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