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Colby's POV again, enjoy<3

I sat on the bed, Val next to me, watching the news on the animal attacks, waiting for Val to wake up. Hm I wonder if they will find out it's us. I snickered to myself. Val kept tossing and turning, causing the cut on her eyebrow to bleed again. I sighed, getting up and grabbing the damp cloth from the bowl. I walked over to her and cleaned her cut once again. When I found her in the bathroom she had fell over and cut her face, right above her eyebrow. Then I brought her back to my room where she has been sleeping since. I got back up and put the rag back in the bowl full of bloody water. It's very difficult being around her, cause her blood smells extermely sweet. I don't understand how Tara does it.

I sat back down next to her and she tossed once more, now facing me. She wrapped her arms around mine. I smiled, and rubbed her back to try and soothe her. I can't tell if shes having a nightmare or not but the last time I sat in the room with her while she slept she was as stiff as a board, only moved a few times. I'm unsure how Tara makes it look like she slept through the night infront of Kat and Val. It's funny though cause that means she probably sits there all night pretending. -Ping- I paused rubbing her back and reached over to grab my phone with my free hand.

Sam: I'm going to tell Kat today.

Colby: Alr brother, good luck.

Sam: Wanna come with?

Colby: Nah I'm good, plus I'm a little stuck

Colby sent an image

Sam: Yooo did she spend the night?

Colby: More of like I found her unconscious on her bathroom floor.

Sam: God damn. That girl has been through a whole lot. You went throught a lot especially with Samantha, maybe you can hep her. She could benifit from all of our help from what Kat has told me. 

Colby: I'm not sure. But, I'll be here for her when she wants to talk.

Sam: Do I smell... love?

Colby: Fuck no. I don't plan on dating for another hundred fucking years.

Sam: That's what I said. Look what happened. Plus brother, with Samantha, that wasn't your fault

Colby: I fucking killed her, but that's not my fault?

Sam: You were new to this whole thing. Give love another go, she might be the one.

Colby: I'll think on it. Good luck with Kat brother.

I sighed, putting down my phone back down on the nightstand. I looked down at Val and began rubbing her back again. She winced the second I touched her but eased up. She's a very aware sleeper. I sat admiring her features, her wavy black and red hair, long black eyelashes, light brown freckles all over her face, dark brown freckles everywhere else, pink soft lips, beautiful green eyes, well when they're open of course, black painted nails, pale skin, I would have thought she were a vampire with how pale her skin is. I'll have to talk these stupid fucking contacts out later they are hurting my eyes like a motherfucker.

An hour later

I was really getting into the news and hearing what they think happened. "No!" Val yelled, I jumped out of my fucking skin, whipping my head to look at her. She was asleep but her breathing was eratic and she kept screaming no. I lifted her up gently, placing her in between my legs, her back on my cheast and her head on my shoulder. I was rubbing her arms up and down to try and calm her. She stopped yelling but her breathing still wasn't normal. I wrapped my arms around her cheast and it seemed to calm her. I wonder if I could get her like a weighted blanket or stuffed animal to help her with this. 

She jumped awake about ten minutes later. "Morning sleepy head." I said with a smirk. "How did I get here?" She asked, pursing her lips. "I found you on the groud in your shower. Seems like you had nightmares?" I asked, "No, why?" She said, picking at her nail, a tell tale shes lying but i'm going to let it slide. "No reason, you were just thrasing." I said, she nodded. "Coffee?" I asked, she nodded once again. I held out my hand, which she took, and we intertwined out fingers. Once we got downstairs we could really hear the commotion. "Why would you keep that from me!" Kat yelled. "I didn't think you'd like me if I told you." Sam said a whole lot quieter than Katrina. "That's not something you hide and then just spring on someone!" She screamed. "Kat?" Val asked quietly. 

Katrina walked towards me and Val, looking at me and our hands and grabbed Vals other hand and stormed off, pretty much dragging Val. Val then turned around and gave me the 'help' eyes, I shrugged. "Hey brother you okay?" I asked Sam. "Uh, kind of it went a lot better than I expected but also worse than I expected if that makes sense." He said looking down. "Don't let it drag you down brother. Give her some time." I said as Tara walked in. "So Sammy, that could have went better but you could have warned a girl. She figured out that her, and Val are the only humans in the house." Tara said. "Fuck off Tara." I said, pouring Val the coffee she wanted. 90% creamer 10% coffee. "Yeah well Kat slammed the door in my face." Tara scoffed. "Don't fuck with me Tara." I said, walking off. God I can't even deal with anyones shit right now. It's like cause Val is around they think they can just be rude to me. 

I walked up to Val's door, but before I went in I stood and listened. "Kat what happened?" I heard Val ask, fuck. I went to grab the door handle but what Katrina said stopped me. "I can't tell you, it's not my buisness to tell. But, if Colby decides to tell you then I'll be here if you need me, just like your here for me." I knocked on the door, and as I went to knock again Val opened the door. "You walk so lightly? Like no one could hear you." I said, "Yeah, grow up like I did and you learn to walk silent." She said, I was confused for a second which she saw I guess. "Never mind, what's up?" She asked, "I brought your coffee." I said taking a deep breath and holding it. "Thank you." She smiled, taking it from me. I walked away. I can't be around her right now. I need to feed. I sighed and went back to my room. 

My vamprie. (Colby Brock fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now