Holy fuck.

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My eyes fluttered open, my body tired and my mind exausted. I lifted my head lightly to realize I was laying on top of Colby. Fuck, fuck, fuck! He's going to be pissed. My mind was going ballistic. I slowly moved my head up to look at him unknowing if he was awake or asleep. His eyes were open, fixated on me. "Morning sunshine." He said with a raspy voice. "I-I'm so sorry." I said jumping off him, with my blanket around my naked body, and the freezing cold floor on my feet. 

He snicked. "It's fine." He said getting up and walking over to me. "We have never really stayed in the same room together, fuck i'm really sorry." I said. He tilted my head up, giving me a soft kiss. "It's fine" He smiled. I looked down to my feet. "I need to brush my teeth." I said, eyes wide at the realization that I probably smell like a decaying rat when I talk. After I burshed my teeth I put on panties, a bra, and a nightgown. "Did you sleep?" I asked him walking back into the room. 

He was sitting on my black couch, with red pillows, watching the news about the animal attacks. "Yeah, your bed is really fucking comfortable." He giggled to himself. I smiled at the sight of that man. "That's good" I giggled. "I'm hungry" I said as my stomach gurggled. "Well it's a good thing you bought a bunch of fucking food yesterday." He said. "Hey! I don't even eat that much, now that I think about it I don't remember the last time I ate..." I trailed off thinking about it, he stood up immideatly, grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen. 

He sat down at the counter after getting his coffee. "What is it you want?" He asked. "I think I'll make spicy eggs." I shrugged. Eating has always been an issue for me, since I was so malnutritioned as a kid and teenager I developed an eating disorder. It's not a body thing, I love the way I look. Most of the time. But it's more of a I just forget to eat, and I'm never really hungry. But since it's been actual days since I ate, I am hungry. I'm also extremely picky.

I took out two eggs, prepping the pan, and cracked them onto it carefully. I waited until one side was done to flip them. Another thing about me, I fucking hate scrambled eggs. Once they were done I put spices on them and hot sauce. Then I climbed onto the counter, sitting in front of Colby. "Those look good." He said. "Thank you. Mom taught me how to cook." I smiled, taking a bite. "Your welcome" He giggled, staring at me. "What?" I asked with a giggle, taking a sip of my coffee. "Your very beautiful." He said, I tucked my hair behind my ear. "Thanks." I said with a warm smile. I love compliments like that. Beautiful, pretty, gorgous, stunning, all are so much better than the 'You look good.' bull shit.

Tara bounced in looking at me then Colby. She let out the most malicous grin, then walked out. "What was that about?" Colby asked. "I have no clue..." I whispered. We laughed about it making small talk until the others came in, then he left. It was like i'm an embarrassment. I sighed, getting up from the counter and throwing away the rest of my egg. I walked up to my room and checked my phone, nothing. Tara came barging in and plopped herself down next to me, we talked for a few minutes before I got a phone call.

I slid the answer button as I heard someone creeping outside of my room, weird. "Hello?" I asked, putting it on speaker for Tara. "I know where you are." He said. "Why can't you leave me alone! What the fuck do you want from me?" I yelled. "We won't stop until your fucking dead." He said. "Really dad. We? You have no fucking friends. You haven't since you went to jail for killing my fucking mother." I spit. He's fucking crazy. "For one Valentine, I want you to know it's still your fault your mothers dead. And two who do you think is with me?" He said with a scoff. "Your a disgusting vile human, George." I said with a smile on my fucking face. He desereves it. "Aww but Vallie." I heard the other man and my blood went cold, my smile dropped, eyes wide the fuck open. "Matt." I asked. "You bet!" He shouted, I hung up instantly. 

"What the fuck?" I said, pacing around. "Your fucking dad, and your ex, are both DISGUSTING men." She yelled. "I know, I know" I said, digging my nails into my arm. "Fuck. He knows where I am!" I shouted, turning to her. She stood up, walking over to me "They won't touch you. PLus they won't be able to get through us!" She said, taking my hand and removing my nails from my arm. "And you've got to stop doing that, your drawing blood." She said. "I try, it's like a habit..." I said trailing off. "I need to shower." I whispered. She nodded, as she walked to the door whoever was out there walked away. Once she left I broke down.

I turned the shower and music on so no one would hear me. I started sobbing. I can't do this. I can't handle this! Both of them want to fucking kill me. I took my clothes off slowly, stepping into the hot shower, sitting on the ground and letting the water run down my face. The second I started feeling better the flashback started. I started hyperventalting, and sobbing quietly. I layed down and curled into a ball. 'Your on the other side of the house no one can hear you' I remembered. I let it all out, and all the sudden I wasn't silently crying, but I wasn't loud. and all of the sudden my vision went black. 


Colby's POV!!

I heard the entire phone call and I'm fucking pissed. I know I beleive in privacy very much but, I wanted to see what she was up too. I called a meeting with everyone. I walked down to the basement seeing that everyone was already there. Sam, Tara, Jake, Corey, Devyn, and me. I explained the whole situation. "What the fuck! They can't do that! We won't let them!" Sam shouted. "I agree." Me and Tara said. After we all came to an agreement we made a plan. "Two of us will be in the house with her at all times. Me and Tara, Jake and Sam, and Corey and Devyn." I said. "What about blood? We don't have too many blood bags left." Jake said. 

I sighed. "Team A, Me, Tara, and Jake will feed Monday, Wensday, Friday, and Sunday. Team B Sam, Corey and Devyn will seen Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday." I explained. They all nodded. "If it is absolutely nessicary then you can always go out for a snack." I explained. "But since we dont sleep someone needs to be near her at all times. Let's say team A is feeding, then either Devyn is with her or one of you boys with be outside her door. If Team B is feeding then me or Tara will be with her. Understand." I barked. They all nodded in agreement. "Great, meeting over then." I said. "I'm going to go check on her." I said pushing past them, running upstairs. I heard the shower on, and her music going so I opened the door quietly and walked into the bathroom.

"Valentine?" I asked. I tried not to look because, I still have decency. But I got no answer so I walked over to the shower and opened up the foggy door. She was lying on the ground, her pale skin red from the water. I turned the scorching hot water off and got a towel, wrapping it around her and picking her up. I brought her to my room for safe measures. 

1368 words.

And the plot thickens....

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