This isn't going to end well.

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Valentines POV 

I woke up and looked around, when I fell asleep Colby was next to me. I checked the time as I rubbed my head, trying to soothe my headache. 2 AM, great. I got up and creeped out of my room. I walked down the hall to the other side of the house. I walked to to Colbys door and opened it quietly. The lights were on. "Colby?" I whispered, I looked around some of his stuff was gone. I looked in the mirror realizing I was only in a bra and panties. I took one of Colbys shirts and slipped it on, along with a hoodie. 

I sighed and left his room, walking down to the kitchen. I poured myself a cup of coffee, climbing onto the counter and sitting criss cross. I tapped around on my phone for a little bit. "Hey!" Tara came in and yelled. I jumped, causing my coffee to spill all over me. "Shit!" I yelled, god that fucking burns. "Shit i'm so sorry i'll get you a towel!" Tara yelled, but it took her maybe 5 seconds and the towels are upstairs. "Here" She said, tapping it off softly. 

I had been holding my coffee waiting for it to cool until it spilled. "Shit you have like 3rd degree burns." She said with a sigh, apologizing multiple times. "Is Sam awake?" I asked interupting her apologies, she nodded. I got up and went to go talk to him. I barged into his room. "Sam." I said with nothing but seriousness. "Yes?" He said with a gilty look. "Where is Colby." I asked. "I dont know. He didn't tell me where he was going." He said, I walked out and went straight to my room. 

Sams POV  Two weeks later

I went to go and check on Val but when I went into her room she was laying on her bed, staring at the celing, screaming at me to get out. When I got back to my room I picked up my phone and called Colby, I had been trying every day this time I got lucky. "Colby man what the fuck?" I yelled. "What man?" He asked, I could hear the music in the backround. "Valentine hasn't left her room, ate, or slept since you left man. you've got to come back." I said desprately. "I don't know what to do, I got her to eat once in the past two weeks, shes skin and bones man she looks like shit." I said. "What!? Fine. yes I'll come back, go check on her!" He demanded. 

I once again walked to her room knocking on her door, her music was playing, thats a first. I walked in and i swear i could have thrown up from the adrenaline. "Colby... We have an issue." I said seriously. "What." He spit. "I checked on her 5 minutes ago, right before I called you." I explained. "And?" He asked, I could hear the wind. He was running back. "Shes gone." I said, he hung up. "Guys! Everyone get you ass up we have an issue!!" I screamed. Everyone came out of their rooms, even Kat. "Colbys coming back." I said sternly. "Why?" Tara asked. "Val is missing." I said just as Colby burst throught the door. 

He walked up to all of us. "Does she have any injuries, what is she wearing." He asked. "She has a 3rd degree burn on the sides of her hands and  on her thighs." Tara said, Colby looked like he was ready to rip her head off. "Shes been wearing the same thing for the past two weeks." I said as he held up his hand gesturing for me to continue. "No pants or shorts just panties" I said awkwardly, "Shes also wearing one of your shirts and your hoodie." I said as he let out a deep breath. "Lets stop standing around and search." Colby spit. I have a feeling this isn't going to end well. 

Valentines POV

I woke up neausous and dizzy, tied to a chair. I looked around and tried to speak but there was tape over my mouth. All I could smell was metal, which I knew was blood. I heard a door open and I pretended to still be asleep. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Allie~" I heard him say, I instantly knew who it was. I opened my eyes and slowly tipped my head up, full of fear. He ripped the tape right off my mouth. "Dad.." I whispered. 

He smiled, "Hey Allie" He said and stroked my head before backhanding me. "You never learn do you." He whispered, leaning down. "You cant run from me!" He screamed in my face. My hands hurt like a bitch the rope s rubbing against my burns. "I know." I said softly. He smiled again. "Good, good." He walked behind the chair i'm sitting in, looening the rope. I leaned forward, trying to get out. Something hit my back, I now realized I am only wearing colbys shirt. My back got really hot all of the sudden. 

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