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    Guess the ship!

    Also, Happy-ish Oneshot! Let's goo!

    Leo didn't know how it got to that point. One second he was building something in the Waystation forge, the next he got into an argument with Calypso. It was stupid, really. He'd gone to see the plants and gotten pricked by one of the roses. He panicked and almost burned the plant. That was the reason the two of them broke up, all the arguing. Sure, they cared about eachother, but it wasn't a healthy relationship for either of them. It was an accident, of course it was, and it wasn't like Calypso was saying anything that harsh, it was just that his fight or flight response kicked in. Hearing her talk about the fire mistake made him think back to what had happened when he was 8, when Rosa was yelling at him.

    Before he even knew it, he was backing towards the door and sprinting to his room. His breathing was unsteady and off balance, and he almost slammed his door shut before sitting against it. He couldn't breathe.

    He needed to get out, he needed to leave.

    He needed to leave.

    He sucked in a breath, sprinting towards the packed backpack next to his bed. He didn't know exactly what he was doing, why he even had the backpack packed up, it was just a reflex. Emmie and Jo asked him about it, and he made some shitty excuse about 'visiting camp'. Who knew? Maybe he would've at some point, but he didn't.

    He walked to the back wall. Each room could lead to the outside of waystation, because it was alive and all, so he didn't have to try to made an excuse if they caught him. A brick fell in front of him, almost as if waystation knew what he was doing and was telling him to stop, but he just stepped over the brick.

    "Please." He muttered, wincing internally at how raw his voice sounded. "I'll be back, I just need some time."

    He didn't know if he'd be back, but after a few long minutes, the bricks moved for him to go outside. He ran, unsure where he would go.

    He didn't know why he ended up at Camp Jupiter. He'd just been there recently, as to warn them about the last battle, and knew exactly where he was going that time.

    He knocked on the door, and before he could decide if this was stupid, the door swung open, revealing a slightly confused Hazel on the other side.

    He wasn't quite sure why he went there, maybe it was the way they were. He didn't think they would be that upset about him showing up. He did have to borrow one of Hazels SPQR shirts(it was sorta meant to be a peace thing, considering the Roman's kinda thought he was a terrorist) after warning them before.

    Hazel let him in pretty quickly, giving him a nervous smile.

    "Hey Leo, you should've told us you were gonna visit!" She said, her face twisting in concern when she saw the pack he was holding. "What's with the pack?"

    Leo forced a smile, already regretting the choice he'd made. "Just had some trouble at Waystation, I was wondering if you'd be alright if I stayed over for a bit. If not it's okay!" He finished quickly. Hazel seemed a bit shocked before her face softened.

    "Of course you can stay, Leo!" She smiled at him. "Why wouldn't you be able to?"

    Leo smiled back, and before anything happened, Hazel eyes practically lit up in excitement.

    "Frank! Get the pillows and blankets! We're having a sleepover!" She yelled, to Leo's confusion.

    "Who's over?" Frank yelled back, walking in. Leo didn't know how he'd react, maybe annoyance, until he noticed Frank looked more nervous.

    "Please, for the love of the gods, do not prank me in the middle of the night," Frank said, dismissing Leo's worry before it started. They had a weird way of doing that. "I don't think I can handle waking up with glitter in my hair again!"

    Leo snorted, remembering when he'd pranked everyone on the Argo II with glitter bombs. It felt like so long ago, even if it had barely been a year. Hazel had even helped him, using her mist magic to disguise some of the buckets he put above the doors. It was hilarious, even if Nico almost killed him.

    "Oh my gods, I'd almost forgotten about that-" Hazel laughed with him.

    "You have to admit, it was a good prank!" Leo grinned. If possible, Frank looked even more uncomfortable, muttering an 'oh gods' under his breath.

    Leo couldn't help but giggle at the discomfort, but it was cut short when a pillow was thrown in his face.

    Cue the immensely long pillow fight of Frank turning into animals avoid the pillows, Hazel disappearing with the mist, and Leo using little contraptions for various things. That, and a lot of giggling from all three of them. By the time it was over, he was exhausted, but he couldn't stop smiling. He wondered the last time he felt this happy, and was a bit upset to realize he wasn't sure.

    Somehow, Frank noticed his slight mood change and decided to suggest watching a movie. Hazel and Leo both perked up at that. Frank suggested a movie, while Leo grabbed an entirely different one. They got into an 'argument' over the movie(it was so stupid, it was kinda funny) and Hazel was laughing as she grabbed an entirely different movie then what either of them suggested. They both went along with it, Leo running to the kitchen because 'you can't watch a movie without popcorn, you heathens'.

    Leo still wasn't sure exactly what caused him to go to Frank and Hazel, but he didn't really care much either. He was, generally, having a good time with their willingness to include him. He shoved the bag of popcorn into the microwave while he thought.

    There was the confusion. He thought Frank hated him, or at the very least was wary of him. It was weird to see Frank chatting as if he didn't really care. Sure, he'd gotten over his whole lifeline thing, but it's not like fear just goes away. He would know.

    He wanted to think that it was just that he did get over it, but a small voice in his head said he was just pretending to like him, that Hazel only liked him cause he looked like Sammy.

    He was shocked out of his thoughts by the sound of the microwave beeping. He grabbed the bag, pouring the popcorn into a bowl, and plopped on the couch. He(unintentionally) ended up between the two lovebirds, which warranted for teasing throughout the movie. Near the end, maybe 20 minutes til, Leo yawned to himself. He really should've gone to sleep the night before. It only took him a few minutes to fall asleep on the couch, which was weird for him. He basically never slept in front of people after the foster homes.

    (He may or may not have ended up leaning against Frank after falling asleep. He didn't know that until later. Frank didnt push him off, and Hazel and Frank even ended up falling asleep on the couch as well. He also didn't know that until later.)

     I so rushed that ending, sorry! But I still kinda like the story-

    Might do more with this ship, we'll just have to see.


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