The Lack Of A Soul

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    No Caleo BTW, It's Not That I Hate Calypso, I Just Kinda Would Rather Do Other Ships Lol.

    Also, I know Jason died in ToA but I don't want him too, so pretend he didn't when ToA is mentioned, he just got injured pretty bad-


    Leo woke, leaning against Festus. Last time he checked, he should've been dead. But for him, the pain from before was gone, the ache and the burn in his whole body. He felt different, which would be a given because he'd come back from the dead, but it was still strange. He pushed himself up, feeling the wind as Festus moved through the sky. He felt a needle detract from his arm as the Dragons head turned towards him with a happy whirring noise. He placed his hand on Festus's celestial bronze head, feeling the damage done from the explosion in which they'd survived.

    "Let's go home, Boy." Leo had whispered, an unusual blankness in his voice. "Let's go home..."

    And that's where they were, home. They'd always tell him when he was younger that home was where your family was, so he counted Camp Half-Blood and -- in a way, though they still kinda hated him -- Camp Jupiter. After he'd come back, Piper and Jason had contacted the others at Camp Jupiter. As it turned out, Percy and Annabeth were going to college at Camp Jupiter. He should have been excited -- happy for Percy and Annabeth -- after all, he'd come back to life for them, but he wasn't. He wasn't even sure what he really was. He went back, just as he'd promised, but that was it. He knew something was wrong, but he wasn't quite sure whether it was good or bad. He could work on projects more efficiently, able to just focus on the project and what it needed, but he never really made jokes like before. It obviously worried everyone else.

    The first person to really notice was Piper. By then, of course, it was an underlying fact. Something was wrong, something that just wasn't normal. But it was when she told him the news -- Jason had been injured really bad -- that she realized how wrong it really was. Leo didn't react to the news, save for an interested look and a nod, when she explained how bad the injury was. Not everyone has the same reactions, Piper knew that, but she'd known Leo longer then anyone else in basically the whole entire Camp, and he wouldn't react like that. As if that was some inconvenience to him. It was wrong, absolutely wrong. But she didn't know what to do, at that point, she was so distraught that she'd ignored it. Now, she knew better.

    Apparently, Piper wasn't the only one who'd noticed the problem at that moment. Apollo, or Lester at the general moment, had already met the Latino twice before. Once on the island of Delos, in which he figured out his  personality quite fast, and once again in the inevitable quest he'd began, going towards Waystation. On that strange second time, his personality was different. He'd seen it before, but had been unable to place it during that time. His mortal brain finally let him remember where he'd seen that exact personality change in a person. He couldn't remember the reason, but remembered it was a side effect of a very known cure, the one that had brought Leo back from the dead.

    And then Jason had noticed how serious the issue was when -- after he'd recovered from the almost fatal wounds he'd received -- the two of them were sent to go retrieve a Demigod from a local school. He was about 13, generally the age monsters would start attacking him, and had just had a run-in with a not-so-nice Centaur. When they got close to Camp, the kid almost attacked Jason, until Leo stopped him. They figured out he was possessed -- stupid Eidolons -- and Jason thought if they knocked him out, they could get Piper to force it to leave the kid. It almost didn't end up that way. They'd decided to have Leo bring a dagger, as extra protection instead of just fire, but Jason found out soon they shouldn't have done that. After the spirit revealed itself, along with revealing who the kids godly parents was, Leo threw the dagger at him. Jason deflected it with his powers -- the dagger was aimed to hit the kid in the chest, and Jason was not letting anyone die -- and knocked the kid out in his confusion. He immediately asked Leo what in the world he'd been doing.

    I was trying to kill the spirit before it got into the Camp.

    He'd answered the question with the most monotoned voice Jason had ever heard from him, as if it'd hadn't been that big of a deal. As if the kid wouldn't have died if the dagger actually found it's mark. After that situation, he talked to Piper. She told Jason her concerns, and they went to talk to Will. According to Will, he didn't find anything off about Leo when he'd done the check ups after he'd come back -- except his obviously messed up personality. But something was still wrong, and they wanted to know what.

    It was Frank who thought of the idea to ask Apollo. Although him and Leo weren't quite 'friends', months on a ship doesn't just go away like that. Apollo, on the other hand, had been doing some thinking. Medical cases were his things after all, and after being a mortal for so long, he really understood how the demigods felt. So when they asked him for a bit of help, he felt obligated to agree. After all, people died for him to complete that quest, Jason almost did, at the very least he felt it was just the right thing to do.

    He came down when they called, in the more mortal-looking form of Lester -- he grew quite fond of the form, in a way -- and asked what they needed. It only took a look for him to realize the issue. The soul of a person has a sort-of glow to it for immortals, so it's easy to tell when a person is, well, missing theirs. And that was exactly the problem, Leo's soul was missing. The cure worked one way, you bring a person back to life. But say you take too long to administer the cure. They'll still come back, but missing a vital part of a person's personality and who they are.

    Eventually, they managed to get his soul back -- thanks to the help of the camps resident death boy -- and everything went sorta back to normal. He didn't quite remember what happened while his soul was missing, except the often feelings of deja-vu at points, but they didn't mind that much.

    Everything was normal again...


    Okay. This could've been longer but oh well, that's that. I don't know if I really like this one, but I'm still gonna post it cause it took a while to write. 



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