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    Leo wasn't normal, he'd always known that. It had eaten him up ever since he was in kindergarten, solving math problems like they were nothing. He thought meeting other Demigod children of Hephaestus would help him feel a little better about being different, but it didn't. He was still different from them. Flames danced across his bloody palm, a flickering wave of red and orange, glowing in his chocolate eyes.

    Inside his free hand was a small Orange bottle, the contents unknown to him. He had grabbed it from the infirmary, or more like asked Will for some, a few minutes ago. When Will had asked what he needed, he made up the excuse of having a headache. Will gave him what he thought was a curious look, and handed him the bottle, but not without a warning about reading the label. Leo gave him a grin, making a half-assed joke, and left the infirmary as soon as he could. He missed the look Will had given him before he left, not exactly concerned, but more distrustful, as if he knew more then what he was giving off.

    It didn't really matter to Leo what was in the bottle, just that it would work. He was tired of hurting people, whether from his fire or just because they were trying to protect him, it was still his fault. Just like his mother's death. His job was over, finally over. Gaea was destroyed, the world wasn't in trouble anymore. He had no reason to be alive anymore. Sure, he had his friends, but it's not like they really cared about him. Even if they did, they shouldn't. They didn't know who he really was.

    He looked at his surroundings, wondering what the time was. It had to have been about 3 in the morning. Nobody would find him until it was too late. The Bunker itself was awash in a orange-red glow from his flames, a reminder of who he was, of what he was. His Workspace, lying in the small corner of the dark Bunker, was littered with blueprints and unfinished projects. He'd meant to finish them, there was even a small chicken nugget smoke screen in the making to show Hazel, but he never had the desire. Maybe someone else would find the blueprint and work on it. He was sure Hazel would like that.

    Hazel... One of the numerous of people he fucked over. He could almost count them all on his fingers, The Seven  -- Especially Percy and Annabeth -- during the quest. The Roman's, whom he shot with the ballista. His family, even his siblings at camp, with this curse he called a power. His mother, who was engulfed in flames, his flames, just for being related to him. He sighed as he ran out of fingers, never mind, he could count more then the amount his fingers could hold.

    His eyes, usually burning with a fierce fire as they glittered with mischief, were reduced to embers, dull and dark -- almost uncaring -- as he extinguished the flames in his hand, in favor of opening the orange bottle that would finally end his life. The life he should've never been brought into.

    A cup of water lie next to him. Funny, water. The one thing that could render him useless. It seemed almost poetic to him. This was it for him, this was it for his story.

    He downed the bottle. During the first few moments, nothing happened. He wasn't sure whether to be relieved or disappointed, until he started to get unbelievably nauseous. His stumbled to his feet, back turned towards the door behind him, and sat at the chair of his workplace. With his blurred vision, he managed to write a small note. An apology, not for what he'd just done, but for all the mistakes he'd made. The note slid off the table as his head lolled forwards, lying in his hands, slick with blood from the cuts lining his wrists. If the medication didn't work, blood loss would. He let the inky darkness take him just as he heard the sound of the Bunker door opening, someone calling his name as if looking for him.


    Jason groaned as he was shaken awake by a mop of blonde hair. He registered the person as Will Solace, the camp doctor, and sat up pretty quickly. He didn't know Will quite well, but he knew him enough to know he wouldn't wake someone at 3 in the morning for no reason. Will seemed nervous, worried even, and Jason wasn't sure how to take that. He planned to head to Camp Jupiter the next day, as to continue working on his 'job' trying to honor all the gods, but he would wait for another time in needed. As it turned out, he needed to stay much longer then he'd originally thought.

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