13 - Would They Cheat

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Ponyboy - No because he'd just rather not.

Sodapop - Of course not because you are his shnookums teddy bear💗😍😚🎀😛😊🤭

Darry - No because he's got other things that are more important than cheating🥶

Dallas - Absolutly

Johnny - Nah. He's too nice. If he was even accused he'd break down😔

Two-Bit - Probably if your not a short brown haired soc who gave him his number but he threw away but I believe he should have kept then called that certain someone🤨

Jk. He probably would though because he doesn't care🤩

Steve - I'd say yes. He'd get so fed up and then be like, "What eva," then continue to insult while walking away.

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