10 - How they drive

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Ponyboy - Good. He's always on the exact speed limit

Sodapop - He's just 30 mph over the speed limit, but it's no big deal😊
(Guys, it actually is. Please be safe💀)

Darry - He's really good, but he REFUSES to use a map or a GPS (when it came out) because my guy KNOWS THE WAY

Dallas - One hand on the wheel, reclined, going as fast as he can, flipping everyone off.

Johnny - The S L O W E S T DRIVER EVER. He would be going 40 MPH UNDER THE SPEED LIMIT

Two-Bit - He drinks AND drives so...

Steve - I'm sorry, I can imagine this guy with the most BUSTED UP car ever, but it still runs, and he's fast as lightning💀

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