9 - First Kiss

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Ponyboy - It was just a peck on the cheek because little Ponyboy is 14 and he's been 14 for a month and he's still very schmol.

Sodapop - He giggled after. Just imagine. You kiss then he goes -
Hehrhe very quietly
Like a mouse🤯

Darry - My guy is super mature about the whole thing😌
You just kiss and he just smiles and you smile and everybody is happy!🥳
No but seriously, best kisser award to him because🫶

Dallas - He is rough like🥶
I'm sorry but he's probably never heard of chapstick because "he'd look like a girl" so he has lips like the Sahara Desert.
I'm sorry💀

Johnny - When you go in for the kiss, he crane kicks you (Reference???🤯🤯🤯)
Just kidding. This kid would back away and be like whoa there a minute🥸

Two-Bit - He'd do that thing where he full on GRABS your face then smashes his lips against yours and your like ouch😬
He just laughs because bro thinks he's the funniest thing ever.
He is🥰

Steve - He just kisses you and is like
And you're like, "what?"
And he's like, "that was kind of pathetic," and walks away.
You destroy his car the next day😈
Just kidding😁
Or am I🤨

Notes ~ I think I'm gonna start adding headcanons💀

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