1 - First Time Meeting

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Ponyboy - He literally dropped his books, and you're just nice and help pick them up. You guys start talking, and then he gets nerdy.

Sodapop - You needed gas for your awesome 1957 thunderbird. He literally just helped you, and you guys had a normal conversation.

Darry - He was roofing your house, and you had to pay him. That is how you talked.

Dallas - You guys drank together at Buck's.

Johnny - You met him in the parking lot because he was getting away from his family so you talked and said, "Hope everything gets better," and just left because you weren't gonna get in trouble😨

Two-Bit - You worked at a toy store and had to ask him to move along because he wouldn't stop staring at all the Mickey stuff at the front window.

Steve - Your car broke down, and he fixed it. He gave you attitude. He was kind of rude. If Yelp was a thing in the 60s, you would give him a negative amount of stars. I don't know how, but you would.

This is fun. Please suggest so many random things. I hope this gets your day, or if your day is bad, make it better. I hope you find this funny. I tried🫣
I can also add more characters like Cherry, Bob, Tim, etc, if wanted.

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