Chapter 6- Walk 'em like a dog sis

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            You were at the bar, your apple cider whiskey, (which Lucifer suggested), sitting in front of you. Husk was cleaning a glass in front of you from behind the bar before setting down the glass.

    He looked at you, "What's wrong? You're clearly thinking about something, you look conflicted."

    "I don't know. I'm experiencing something I never have before, and I don't know how to handle it. I know what it is, I just don't know what to do about it." You glanced around. The parlor was empty aside from Husk, you, and Niffty, who was in the corner killing a roach with a fork.

    "Let me guess. You've developed a little crush on our little king of Hell."

    You paused and sat in silence for a while, "Yeah. Is it obvious?"

    "Only because he's the one you're around constantly. You wouldn't be able to tell that you like him otherwise. And if anything's obvious, it's Lucifer's crush on you."

    "What?! What makes you think that?!"

    "Have you seen the way he looks at you? Just focus on how he acts around you, it's clear as day."

    "I doubt that, but I guess I'll pay more attention next time."

    You downed the rest of your drink before putting it down and getting up. You wave to Husk before walking towards the elevator. When you got into the elevator you pressed the button for the penthouse and, right before the doors closed, A familiar hand stopped it and the doors opened again. Alastor stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor before saying, "Hello, Cyra. Lovely day isn't it."

    "Hello, Alastor. The weather is always the same, there is no 'lovely days.'"

    "Fair enough, deer."

    "Don't call me that." You said as the elevator started to move. Suddenly, the elevator stopped, and the lights went out. Using your magic, you made a ball of light in your palm, illuminating the elevator.

    Alastor turned to you and said, "I need your help."

    "You have 15 seconds. Start talking."

    "I happened to have made a deal when I was alive, which is how I gained power so fast, and I need you to kill the owner of my soul so I can be free."

    "What do I get?"

    "The freedom that I have left. It could be a powe-"

    "Enough. Deal." You offered a hand. You started to glow golden, and your iris eyes were shining vibrantly. Alastor took your hand, golden light, stars, and projections of the sky surrounded you both.

    Everything went back to normal. The only light was the ball of light you made and a glowing pink ribbon, which was tied to your hand in a neat bow, the other end disappearing into Alastor's chest, right where his heart is.


    Alastor looked down at the ribbon coming out of his chest. He could feel the other end tied around his heart. He hated it. He wanted to tear it to shreds. He wanted to take it back. Why did he make this deal? But he couldn't go back now, he needed to get his soul back.


    "So, who am I killing?" You asked.

    "Part of my deal is that I can't tell. But I can say that you remind me much of them. Not that you look alike, they just act similar. And that I haven't heard from them for seven years." He spoke.

Lucifer x reader OC (The OC is treated as the reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu