Chapter 5- Alastor Sus

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                        Cyra took a deep breath and looked up at the red double doors. Lucifer had flown her to the Hazbin Hotel. During the flight, Lucifer pointed out a few places to her, giving her a small tour. He showed her some tricks, like tossing her into the air, turning into a snake, turning back into himself, and then catching her. It was fun and now she was standing at the front door to the Hazbin Hotel.

    Lucifer rang the doorbell, after which loud footsteps could be heard approaching the door, along with hushed whispers. The door then swung open to reveal Charlie with a large smile. Lucifer immediately gave her a long bear hug before releasing her.

    Charlie then turned to you and gave you a quick hug before saying, "Hey! Come on in! Everyone's so excited to meet you!"

    Looking around you saw a white sinner, covered in fur with pink accents and four arms lounging on a couch, looking at you. You saw a small red demon in a dress wielding a needle and stabbing bugs, someone with a similar color palette to the first demon but a high ponytail and only two arms, and a black and white demon at the bar with a cat-like appearance.

    "Damn, aren't you a hotie." the four-armed demon said, winking.

    "Shut up, angel dust, leave her alone." The cat-like demon said.

    "That is Angel Dust, our resident," Charlie said, pointing to the four-armed demon, "That's Husk, our bartender, and therapist." She continued, pointing to the cat demon, "That's Nifty, our janitor. We're like 70% sure she's safe." She pointed towards the red demon. She then pointed to the demon with the ponytail and said, "And that's Cherri Bomb, Angel's friend." Cherri waved.

    "Hi, I'm happy to meet you all. I'm Cyra." You say with a smile and small wave.

    "Interesting. Did you know that the name Cyra is Persian and means sun, throne, or lord?" Asked a voice with a radio filter behind you that immediately made you uncomfortable. You turned around to see a red deer demon smiling down at you with sharp teeth. Lucifer turned around and scooted closer to you at the sight of the demon. "Alastor! A pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart! Quite the pleasure!"

    "Indeed..." You replied, still offput by his presence.

    "Alastor is the manager of the hotel! Without him, none of this would be possible!" Charlie exclaimed.

    That made you think. Why would he help? You could tell he reeked of bad intentions, you've gotten good at reading people over time, what did he want? Another strange thing, he was surrounded by traces of angelic aura. His soul wasn't his, you didn't see his soul following him. You could do that; you could see others' souls. In fact, the only ones here with their souls following them were Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer, and yourself. They were all in deals.


    Lucifer scoffed and rolled his eyes at Alastor and turned away from him, back towards the others, putting a hand on Cyra's back and turning her with him. "Well, now that we're all introduced, I think it's time for Cyra's tour of the hotel!" Lucifer said, clapping his hands together.

    "Oh yeah! Come on Cyra! The elevators are this way!" Charlie exclaimed, pulling you along by the arm with a large smile, Lucifer and Vaggie following closely behind, seemingly chatting about something.

    When they arrived at the elevators, Charlie pressed the button and the doors opened. She stepped inside and moved over so Cyra, Vaggie, and Lucifer could step in after. Charlie pressed the button that had a two.

    "The second floor is where Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty, and Alastor live and where Cherri is staying while she visits." Charlie said, stepping out of the elevator and telling you where everyone's rooms are. She then got back into the elevator with you and y'all went to the third floor. "The third floor is where Vaggie and I stay." Charlie said as the doors opened to the third floor. Y'all didn't get out this time because the elevator opened right into their room. Charlie then pressed the button that had a "P" on it. "And the penthouse is for my father when he's here."

    The doors opened to a roof with a fountain and benches to the right and a small building in the farthest left corner. "I stay over there in that small building you see. It's nothing much Just a small living room and kitchen with a bedroom and connecting bathroom attached. I hardly use it." Lucifer said, pointing to the building.

    You nodded, your mind still on Alastor. He was suspicious and you didn't trust him in the slightest. You didn't like the way he looked at you, like he was a predator, and you were his prey. But you weren't prey, and he'll find that out. You weren't gonna let him do anything. If he tried anything, he'd find out that you're stronger than you look. He needs to be humbled. Plus, she never liked radio. Though TV wasn't much better. She preferred books and such.

    "So, dad, how long are y'all going to be staying?" Charlie asked.

    "We'll be staying at least for the night, if it's alright with Cyra, that is." Lucifer replied, looking over at Cyra.

    "It's perfectly fine with me! I'd love to!" you exclaimed with a smile. You thought it would be fun to stay at the hotel, plus, it meant you could keep an eye on Alastor and investigate him further.

    "Great! Do you want your own room or are you going to stay with my father?" Charlie asked.

    "I can stay with your father, if he doesn't mind." You replied.

    "I don't mind." Lucifer said.

    "Perfect! Well, I guess we'll see y'all later!" Charlie said as she stepped into the elevator along with Vaggie.

    "See you." Vaggie said.

    "See you later." You replied. The elevator closed, leaving you and Lucifer standing on the roof.

    Lucifer turned to you, "You hungry?"

    "Obviously, we skipped breakfast, remember?" You replied with a grin and playfully bumped your shoulder into his.

    "Well what do you want to eat?"

    "Chicken nuggets."

    "What are you? A child?" He asked teasingly.

    "Okay Mr. 'I love rubber ducks.' You have no room to talk."


(1051 words. This took me way too long to do, but now I'm hyper fixated again, so I'm probably gonna start on chapter 6 soon.)

Lucifer x reader OC (The OC is treated as the reader)Where stories live. Discover now