chapter 3- Pancakes

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                It was just yesterday that you had fallen from Heaven and became acquainted with the king of Hell, his daughter, and his daughter's girlfriend. Lucifer, Charlie, and Vaggie had all been taking care of you, and Vaggie still looked at you with awe in her eyes and acted overly formal with you, despite you reminding her she can just act normal around you. Charlie and Vaggie even stayed the night so they could help. You had just woken up and--as far as you could tell--you were the first one awake.

   Determined, you sat up, swinging your legs over the side of the bed and taking a deep breath. You planted your feet flat on the floor and propped yourself up with your hands. Taking one more deep breath, you pushed with your arms and stiffened your legs, standing up. You groaned while you attempted to hold yourself up without leaning on something.

   After managing to hold yourself up and stand in that spot for a few seconds, you attempted to walk, almost falling over, but you managed to catch yourself with your foot before you fell, and you straightened yourself out. Half walking—half stumbling and tripping, you made your way across the room and opened a door, entering the bathroom.

   Leaning against the counter, you looked at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was tangled, and your iris eyes were tired. Using your magic, you tidied yourself up and changed. You were surrounded by a purple and blue magic. When your magic dispersed you were wearing a white long-sleeved collared shirt under a black jumper/dress, white leggings, black knee-high boots with a moon and stars embroidered on the sides of them, a belt surrounding your waist that has a sun for a buckle, and some dangly earrings, one of which is a sun, and the other of which is a crescent moon. Your hair was done up in two space buns with a pearl headband.

   (Get it? Space buns? Cuz you like space and space is your whole thing and all that?)

   A sun pendant hung around your neck and pearly eyeshadow paired with soft red lipstick adorned your face. You smiled at your reflection, satisfied with your appearance. Suddenly, a knock sounded through the room.

   "Cyra? Are you awake?" Asked the familiar voice of Lucifer from behind the door.

   "Yes, come in." You replied, shifting your weight on the bathroom counter so you could lean on the bathroom door frame, facing the door to the hallway.

   The door opened and Lucifer stepped in, pausing when he didn't see you in the bed before looking over and seeing you at the bathroom door.

   "Why are you up?!" Lucifer exclaimed, as he rushed over to you, grabbing you lightly by the arm and slightly holding you up, "You should be resting."

   You push yourself off the door frame, half-leaning on Lucifer, half-standing on your own, "I'm fine." You say with a small smile.

   Lucifer looked down at your outfit and then back to you as he said, "Alright... Well, come on, you need breakfast."

   He offered you his arm and you linked your arm with his and y'all carefully started making it to the hallway and down the stairs. When you two made it downstairs, he led you to what was obviously the kitchen. Everything was a dark wood with white marble, and as you glanced over to a kitchen island, you saw Vaggie and Charlie seated on stools around said island. There were six stools around the island total, two on each side, and one on each end. Charlie and Vaggie sat on one side right next to each other and Lucifer led you to the stool on the end opposite the entrance and sat you down.

   You noticed that Vaggie and Charlie were still in pajamas and had messy hair.

   (matching couples pajamas ofc,)

Lucifer x reader OC (The OC is treated as the reader)Where stories live. Discover now