chapter 1 - The Fall

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   Falling. Wind rushing through your hair. The light shrinking as you fell further and further away, the red landscape swallowing you in its eerie atmosphere. A chill running through you as the immense blood loss started to affect you. A loud thud sounded as you hit the ground.

   (You're probably asking, "WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?! HOW'D WE GET HERE?!" Let me backtrack a bit.)

   You were laid back on your bed, staring up at the light blue ceiling, meant to represent the Earthly sky, which really stood out against the white floor and walls of which surrounded you. Then suddenly a knock sounded through your chambers.

   "Come in." you said as you rose from the bed and turned towards the grand double doors, glancing down at where the doorknobs should be, but were removed to prevent you from leaving unless allowed.

   The door slowly opened as Sera, the high seraphim angel, stepped in. She was usually followed by her little sister, Emily, who was strangely absent.

   "Hello, Cyra." Sera's voice sounded through the room, which was empty aside from a bed, dresser, loveseat, and another door which led to the bathroom, "I assume you are aware of why I'm here?"

   "If I were to guess, I'd say the redeemed sinner?" You assumed with a raised brow, letting out a little chuckle, "I must say, I am quite impressed with Lucifer's daughter. To think that one could be rehabilitated."

   "Yes, though impressed isn't the word I would use. I would say more..." Sera paused, searching for a fitting word to describe her opinion, "vexed."

   "Vexed? Is this not a pleasant revelation? We can save souls and reduce the population in Hell, which was the entire purpose of the exterminations in the first place. We won't need to kill those souls anymore. That's amazing, is it not?" You asked in confusion.

   "Those sinners are in Hell for a reason." She said through clenched teeth, pinching the bridge of her nose,

   "I didn't say they weren't. But doesn't it stand that if one can fall from Heaven one can therefore rise from Hell?" You pushed, not relenting.

   She groaned, "You sound just like his daughter, with the same foolish ideas and all." She grumbled in annoyance.

   "How are they foolish ideas?! She just wants to save her people! And her ideas were proven true, the redeemed sinner shows that clearly enough!" You argued, stepping forward.

   "Silence! I've had enough! If you continue to push you will have forced my hand. I do not wish to have to do this, but I will if I must!"

   "But they deserve a second chance! What of the so called 'sinners' that stole for survival, or killed in self-defense, or fell victim to their addiction?! What of them? Why don't they deserve to try again if they really had no other choice?!"

   "Enough! You have left me with no choice, I truly do apologize, but we cannot have you questioning Heaven. To question Heaven is to question God, and God will not be questioned."

   Sera stepped out the room and a few exorcists stepped in, led by Lute, the new general after Adam's death, all wielding angelic spears and weapons. Lute stepped forward and signaled to the others. They grabbed your hands and forced them behind your back, one of them pushing you down with their foot and forcing you on your knees with your head down.

   "WAIT!" You cried out in desperation and strain.

  "Quiet." Lute said calmly as she stepped behind you, raising her angelic spear.

   You struggled, trying to escape, "PLEASE! I'M SORRY! NO! STOP!" You cried out, fighting against the hands that held you.

   You felt Lute grab one of your six golden wings and she pressed the cold metal of her spear against the base of your wing. You froze, holding your breath as your eyes widened in fear. You gulped, too scared to move.

   Without hesitation, Lute mercilessly started slicing through your wing painfully slow, ichor, the golden blood of angels, spilt from your wound and soaked your elegant robes.

   You bit your tongue, repressing a scream, you refused her the satisfaction. Tears welled in your eyes and blurred your vision. You choked out a sob and jerked in pain as she ripped the rest of your wing off harshly.

   She tossed your sparkling wing to the side as it spilled blood. You looked down and watched as a droplet of golden blood fell from your back onto the floor beneath you. As you watched it fall, it was as if time had slowed. The droplet fell gracefully as the light hit it before it slashed against the ground, causing a small puddle on the once spotless floor. You couldn't help but think how you and the droplet were similar in a way.

Just like me. Gorgeous and golden but fallen.

   These thoughts flashed through your head.

   You were jerked from your thoughts as she started on the second wing, this time she was cutting slower and deeper, half-ripping and half-cutting, going out of her way to make sure it hurt as much as possible. You went limp as you screamed in absolute pain and betrayal, unable to hold it any longer. Screams of pure agony ripped through the room as Lute tossed the second wing.

   You don't know when she finished with all your wings. You couldn't even form thoughts. The pain clouded your head, and you were only aware of the pain in your back and throat. Your screams were becoming raspy, warm tears were flowing down your face, showing no intent of stopping or even slowing.






   These were the only thoughts you could form.

   Eventually Lute threw your sixth and final wing to the side and signaled to the others to release you. You were thrown to the floor and Lute stared down at your limp, shaking body. She stepped closer and yanked your golden halo from above your head, it was no longer emitting light, and she broke it in half over her knee.

   She tossed the two halves of the halo on your collapsed body and, in a heartless and cold voice, said, "A souvenir." As a golden portal swirled into existence beneath you and you fell through, watching as the light of heaven faded as you fell further away.

   (Now, back to where we were. Wait, where were we? Oh right, you just fell from heaven and landed in hell.)


   You hit the ground, your golden blood soaking your white robes and the ground beneath you as you used all your strength to observe your surroundings.

   You landed on a large lawn, clearly well kept. Looking over you saw a large manor; it was white and clearly belonged to someone of high status. Using all your strength and refusing to die this easily you--ignoring the immense pain in your back--stood, biting your tongue to the point where it bled, repressing a scream.

What am I even trying to do? I'm in Hell. No one's going to help me. But I must try, right?

   Was all you could think at that moment, hoping and praying to your heavenly father, that someone would help you.

   So, you stumbled to the door of the manor and raised your fist. You attempted a weak knock, but no sound was made, so you tried again, this time using all your strength and managed to pound on the door once, causing a loud sound to echo through the house, and slightly hurting your knuckles, before your knees buckled beneath you and you collapsed on the ground, fading into unconsciousness.


   (Whoo! That was fun. So, how are y'all liking it so far? What do you think of your character? There will be more character description in chapter 2, which is already posted, and I'm working on chapter 3 rn and it's already nearing 2,000 words so strap in! It's gonna be a long one. But anyway, this chapter was 1,277 words. My one rule for myself when it comes to writing is that I need at least 1,000 words per chapter. (; But anyway, hope you enjoyed, see you in chapter 2!)

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