Chapter 4- "Je vous aime"

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(Quick little note before we start. I will take more time to post chapters than I took to post the first 3 because I had already written those 3 in a word document before posting, so all I had to do was copy and paste. Anyway, that's all. Love you babes, hope you enjoy! <3)

   Lucifer walked through the hallway towards Cyra's room. It had been a week since she had fallen, and she seemed to be adjusting quickly. Today they planned to take her to the hotel and he was going to get her so they could eat breakfast and get ready before heading over. He stopped in front of her door, noticing a weird glow coming from under the door. He knocked on the door and the glowing stopped.

   "Cyra?" He called through the door.

   "Yeah?" Cyra called back through the door, her voice groggy.

   "Sorry, did I wake you?"

   "Yeah, but it's fine, you don't need to apologize."

   "Can I come in?"


   He opened the door and stepped in, looking over to the bed. Cyra was sitting up in the bed, her eyes half open and her hair messy. She was wearing the same pajamas she always wore, the duck pants and white T-shirt he put her in when she first arrived. Her Iris eyes were tired and a little drool was on the corner of her mouth.


   "Well, are you gonna say something or are you just gonna stand there and stare at me all day?" Cyra asked, smirking.

   "Oh-Uh-Sorry. I zoned out." He said.

   He wished he could stare at her all day.

   "Don't worry, it's fine." She said, standing up and out of her bed.

   Purple and blue magic swirled around her, and her outfit changed back into the outfit she wore the day after her arrival. As the magic dispersed, Lucifer could now see her hair, which was previously hidden by the magic, was in a long and thin braid that trailed down her back, tied off at the end with a blue ribbon, tied into a neat bow.

   "You like my hair?" Cyra asked, leaning forward playfully with her hands behind her back and one eyebrow raised, "I decided to try something new."

   Lucifer smiled and replied in a flirtatious voice, "I love it. It's hot on you." He winks as he said that last bit, leaning on his cane with a grin.

   "I know." You said in a joking voice, giving a fake whimsical sigh, "I'm just completely and utterly gorgeous."

   With a little laugh, Lucifer said back, "Though not as gorgeous as me, of course."

   "I must agree." You said dramatically, placing a hand over your heart with a little smirk before, taking on a genuine tone and saying, "You were God's most beautiful angel after all."

   Lucifer's red spots on his cheeks turned a deeper red at her words, momentarily losing his bold attitude as he stuttered, "I-uh. Y-Yeah, yeah! You're not wrong. Heh..."

   You giggled, pinching his cheek, and saying, "For all your pride, you get flustered pretty easily." You squished his face in between your hands, moving his head around as you giggled again at how this guy was the king of Hell.

   "W-What?! I-I don't get flustered easily!" He said, slightly slurred and muffled from you squishing his face.

   "You're literally blushing right now." You said with a smirk, releasing his face and booping his nose. "Alright, enough messing around. We better eat breakfast so we can get to the hotel before Charlie has a panic attack." You say, standing up straight and walking to the door, stopping and turning around in the doorway to look at Lucifer, "You coming?" You asked before turning and disappearing down the hallway.

Lucifer x reader OC (The OC is treated as the reader)Where stories live. Discover now