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Slowly I feel my consciousness coming back. My head feels sluggish and my mouth feels dry and I'm nauseous again. I hear voices next to me, one deep and one squeaky, and that irritating beeping sound from the machine. Working my mind I find the names Skillys and Lazarus somewhere in the back.

That deep voice has to be Lazarus. Such a pleasing sound.

It feels like I can drift off to unconsciousness again just listening to him talk, and I feel a pleasurable shiver run through my heavy body.

"-with each other before we try if we are in fact compatible enough to create a child. She seemed to know that we wanted to breed her, but she was shocked that there seemed to be a predetermined mate for her. And the fact that we would produce the child naturally and not through insemination." Are they speaking about me?

"Yes, yes. Me told human female about the hope of human female breeding with a galdrian, but me did not get to the point of Sir being the male. Nor how the actual breeding would be done. Me belive that this information could wait until human female has grown more comfortable with the thought of breeding." I fight the heaviness in my eyelids and force them open. The light is slightly dimmed so it doesn't hurt my eyes. "Ah, human female named Elina. Me glad to see human Elina have woken up."

First my eyes meet Skillys small yellow ones. He looks pleased that I have woken up. Looking around me I see that I am again back at the room I first woke up in, and then my eyes fall on him. His worried face is close to mine and those gorgeous purple eyes looking straight into mine. I feel my heartrate pick up at his closeness and the intense look in his eyes as he looks into mine.

"How are you feeling?" His deep voice is concerned and it sends a shiver down my spine that slams directly to my core. I want to moan but manage to stifle it at the last second by biting my lip. He sits quietly, waiting for my answer. I sit up on the bed and he quickly arranges the pillows for me to lean against. I clear my throat and avert my eyes.

"Thirsty." I mumble. He gives the room a quick scan to find the pitcher on the counter and rises to collect it for me.

"Can Sir please bring the biscuits as well? Human Elina needs to eat." Skillys says towards the blue giant named Lazarus before turning his attention back to me. "Human Elina lost consciousness due to stress and low blood sugar. Me told human Elina to rest and wait for Nim to come with food." Skillys voice tries to sound stern, but it is so light and squeaky I can hardly take him seriously. Lazarus comes back to my side and places a glass of the same clear liquid as I drank before in my hand and I empty the glass in one go.

"Easy." Lazarus seems to like to give me directions like you would do to a child. I send a glare in his direction. Lazarus reaches a biscuit towards me and I take it but make sure not to touch his fingers. Then I move my focus back to Skillys

"Well. What would you have done if you were abducted to an alien spaceship?! You can hardly blame me for trying to get away when you practically left the door wide open?" I huff with raised eyebrows and then take a bite of the biscuit. It tastes sweet and fruity, but not the same fruit as the drink.

"Me remembers that me closed the door when me left." Skillys looks confused about my outburst and I roll my eyes. Doesn't he understand sarcasm at all?

"He only understands direct talk. No sarcasm. No joking." Lazarus' mouth is right next to my ear and I gasp and turn my face towards him, ending up nose to nose with the gorgeous alien. His tongue comes out to wet his lips and my eyes immediately follow the movement before slowly going back up to his eyes that are twinkling with withheld amusement and lust. I feel my face grow red like a mature tomato on the sunny coast of Florida. Giving a hard gulp, I turn away from him.

"You can't just do that." I murmur and he gives me a hearty chuckle. I sneak a peek at him and see him give me a knowing smirk.

Why do I react like a lovesick teenager around him? I'm not in love, I don't even know him. But there is a pull towards him. A feeling of being safe around him. Why is that? I frown at my thoughts.

"I am pleased that you snuck out." Lazarus says and leans back in the chair he sits in and interlace his large hands behind his head. "It gave me an opportunity to meet with you earlier than Skillys would have let me. He didn't want me to meet you for at least another week." He gives me a pantydropping smile that has me smiling and I give a small sigh of contentment.

Stop acting lovesick! I shake my head and scold my features back into a scowl.

"Skillys is a little worried about how you would cope with everything that has happened and didn't want to rush giving you information about what is to come. He thought that you might faint. Which I guess you did." He rubs his chin thoughtfully.

I narrow my eyes and give him the scariest look I can do, which is not a very scary one considering the humor still shining in his eyes.

"Nothing is to come except you putting me back exactly where you took me. Where I belong!" At this his smile falls into a frown.

"The place you belong is next to me, on top of my lap or writhing in pleasure beneath me." He gives me a stern look that shows he means serious business. And I can't keep a hysterical laugh from leaving my lips.

Seriously? What planet does he come from? Oh yeah. Not earth, that's for sure.

"In your dreams, mister! You can't go around claiming people to be yours when they obviously are not!" That irritating machine next to Lazarus starts to beep faster, and I snap completely, tearing that wire from my finger and throwing it at him resulting in a constant beeping tone.

Lazarus stands up stretching to his full height to tower over me. He has a stern scowl on his lips and his eyes are dark with anger. I have to admit that he looks very scary. I hear a squeak and remember that Skillys is still in the room.

"Please Captain Lazarus, human Elina. Calm down. Us do not want human Elina to faint again!" He tries to persuade us to step down and end the fight, but I don't feel faint at all. I feel charged with energy. With anger at that pompous prick's statement and fear from his towering build. But I'm not something that he owns. I haven't even agreed to any of this, and he speaks as if it is all carved in stone. I have to stand my ground!

It seems that Lazarus has his own feelings of anger and frustration because he turns towards Skillys and growls. Like a real animal growling. At this Skillys squeals and hurriedly runs to the door to get out of the room. I don't even think it is Skillys that he's angry with but he took it out on him anyway.

While Lazarus has his head turned away from me I stand up on the bed so that I can tower him instead. When he turns back to me I see surprise rush through his features when he is met by my stomach instead of looking down at me.


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