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"What disease?" Is the only thing I ask from all the information, trying to focus my thoughts on something other than breeding.

It sounds so clinical, emotionless, to say breeding.

"Us have not found the cure for it. The disease has probably been made in a laboratory and then released as a means to extinct the galdrian race. It only affects the female, makes the female sick and unable to reproduce and eventually the female dies." My brows scrunch in sadness and anger for the murdered females.

"Us have found that the males can carry the disease without symptoms and all have to be tested before a male get to meet with a female. The galdrian are fierce warriors that are strictly loyal to The Intergalactic Committee and what The Intergalactic Committee stand for. The Intergalactic Committee needs the galdrians for protection of more peaceful species and therefor has decided to let a group of farnders aid the galdrians in finding new females."

I nod in silence as I listen and try to figure out what to do with my situation. Even though I feel compassion towards the Galdrians and their situation, my situation right now is of greater concern to me.

"So.... Then you just, like, decided to kidnap a human to use as a guinea pig in your breeding program? No question, no possibility to refuse?" I can feel anger rising in my chest, and tears form in my eyes.

Why do I always weep when I get angry?! I clear my throat and blink back the tears.

"What about my rights? What if I don't want to breed these Galdrians?" My voice comes out stronger but I can still hear the slight shaking.

"The Intergalactic Committee had to make a tough decision after all other attempts had failed. Us have tried other species, to breed galdrians in artificial uterus and galdrian males have been breeding galdrian females as much as possible. The situation has reached a critical level and us need a solution fast." The creature gives me a hopeful smile trying to smooth over the kidnapping and using me as a breeding horse.

"To reduce genetic disease the galdrian need fresh females. The Intergalactic Committee gave us the clear to find a species on a lesser planet and bring-"

"Let me stop you right there." I raise my hand and cock my head to the side to glare at the rodent.

Yes! Now it's a rodent again!

"Lesser planet? I am not a lesser being!" Not only has he kidnapped me but he insults me by calling me a lesser being?

"No, human female. That is not what us means. A lesser planet is a planet that has not reached out into space yet. For the humans it is because the human species is young. The human seems to be a highly intelligent species." The creature silently observes me with its small hands linked in front of its chubby stomach.

"And if I refuse all this?" I give the creature a pointed look that says I'm not gonna fall into line with any of this.

"Us have placed a lot of time into choosing human female." The creature gives me a big toothy smile and says " And human female are already here, so let us try. The galdrians are similar to the human species and after research on humans information forum us have found that humans should find galdrians attractive after human female have gotten used to the differences."

"You can not take someone from their home, from their family and friends, bring them out in space and tell them to breed some alien!" I yell at the creature, then I fall back onto the bed with a sign. I wonder if anyone has realized that I'm gone yet. At least my job will know when I don't appear in the morning. Amanda usually sleeps till noon so she won't miss me until the evening. "How long have I been here?"

"For seven earth days."

A week? Poor Amanda. She must be worried. And I'm sure Mr. Mason will fire me when I come back. I suddenly feel exhausted.

"I want to be left alone and sleep."

"Of course, human female."

"Elina. My name is Elina."

"Very well, human named Elina. Me will leave human Elina to rest and will send Nim with something to eat. Nim is mee's mate from many years back." With a smile and small bow of its head Skillys stubble off to the sliding door. By the door he climbs up a small stool and fiddles with a panel next to it, dimming the light.

I keep an eye on him the whole time to see how he would open the door. Pressing the largest button in the lower corner the door opened. He jumped down and with one last bow in my direction he leaves me alone in the room. Considering how large the door is and the height of the panel the Galdrians are probably taller than the Farnders.

I lay in silence listening for any noise that may indicate another living being. The only noise is the beeping and buzzing from the machine next to me. Silently I get out of the bed, remove all tubes and wires, the beeping now becoming a constant long beep. Frantically I search the machine to find an off button, before deciding to just pull the plug.

I guess I just died.

I think to myself with a humorless snort. Tiptoeing barefoot to the door I put my ear against it and listened again. I can't hear anything from outside so, holding my breath, I take my chances and press the button to open.

Outside the room is a long hallway stretching in both directions. The walls are the same light gray as the room I'm in. I can see that there are different colored doors along the walls and they seem to have some symbols on them. I don't hear any indication that there is anyone, or anything, in the hallway, so taking a deep breath I decide to go to the right.

The hallway stretches on and on. There doesn't seem to be any end to it. I keep sneaking forward as quietly as I can, stopping from time to time to search for any indication that I'm not alone any more.

After walking for about 10 or maybe 15 minutes I see that the hallway opens up to a larger area. I stop at the corner and listen for noise. It's still quiet so I carefully look around the corner.

It is a large open area with chairs, tables and couches. Along one of the walls there is a counter with a sink and a large cabinet that looks somewhat like a fridge, but what catches my eye are the large windows that cover one of the walls. Outside the window all I can see is the black of space and a variety of dots that must be stars and far away planets.

Slowly I creep out from my hiding behind the corner and make my way to the window. It is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen and at the same time the most frightening.

Is it true? Am I really on an alien spaceship in the middle of outer space?


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