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The sun is shining brightly as I walk down the streets towards the bakery. It's just the corner of my office block and it's my favorite bakery. Patty and Thomas, the owners, sell everything from bread to cakes, all made by her very competent personnel. Today I'm going there to meet with my fiance, Jason.

Jason is the love of my life. We met in college and even though it wasn't love at first sight it is love forever after. He was actually hitting on my friend Sandra in the beginning, but she already had a boyfriend. We met him a few times at the college bar and soon me and him hit it off. We have now been dating for three years and six months ago he proposed to me.

The memory of that evening always brings a smile to my lips. It was a real disaster.

It was Friday afternoon when Jason suddenly appeared at my office. I had no idea that he was coming or why. But when I saw him my heart did a double beat. He looked deadly gorgeous dressed up in a fancy black suit, white shirt and midnight blue tie.

He had bought a dress for me to wear. It was a beautiful dress in midnight blue, to match his tie. The dress ended just above my knee and with thin shoulder straps. The neckline was littered with shining stones. The problem was that it was a little bit on the tight side but with a little bit of force I was able to fit in it.

He had booked a table in one of the more fancy restaurants in our neighborhood. Everything went well as we drove and arrived at the restaurant. The table was in the middle of the room, right in front of the door to the kitchen that the waitress used. The dinner tasted like heaven and everything was perfect, but the disaster struck.

A couple sitting by the window started arguing. The waitress did her best to calm them down but the woman stood up and slapped the man across the face. In her eagerness to strike her partner she tipped over the candles on the table and the curtain immediately caught on fire.

People panicked and ran for the door but before anyone had a chance to get out the sprinkler started, efficiently putting out the fire and drenching everything. Me and Jason sat there, dumbstruck by the events looking at each other through the water. Then he started laughing.

"Well. I guess there couldn' be a more romantic moment that this" Jason said with a sigh as he stood up and came around to my side of the table. Kneeling down on one knee he took my hand and looked me deep into my eyes.

"Elina. You are the most beautiful, funny and hard working woman I know. You have made these past three years seem like a dream and now I wonder if you would do me the honors of making the rest of my life a dream?" He took out a small box and opened it. Inside was a simple gold band with a small diamond embedded in it.

"Will you marry me?"

I looked at him with wide eyes. His hair plastered to his head and face from the water cascading down from the ceiling. His dark eyes burned with hope and love as he awaited my response. Tears fell from my eyes as I threw myself into his arms.

"Yes! Yes! I will marry you!"

He stood up and lifted me up in his arms and spun me around. It was like a real movie moment. The perfect end to a not so perfect date. And I have to admit that his proposal in the rain from the sprinkles was the most romantic thing I have ever experienced.

As I get closer to the bakery I see Jason standing outside looking down at his phone. His brown hair, which is starting to get a little too long, fell over his face hiding his expression. I smile to myself as I let my eyes wander over his form.

He is comfortably dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a white t-shirt that is straining a little over his stomach. A stomach that has slowly increased in width the past few months. He might not win any rewards as the hottest man out there. With his ordinary dark brown eyes, his round face and that little pouting stomach, but he was my man. All mine!

"Hey handsome." I say with a large smile on my lips and he looks up from his phone with slightly red cheeks. He quickly puts it away and gives me a smile.

"Hey baby. Ready for this?" He puts his arms around me to pull me in for a hug and kiss.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He squeezes me a bit tighter and leans down to kiss me again.

Did I say that he's all mine?!

The bakery is pretty small. The checkered floors in white and light blue together with the light blue painted walls give the bakery a vintage feeling. By the windows there are a few chairs and small tables, with light blue tablecloths. Along the inner wall there is a large counter showing off the freshly baked goods they offer and behind the counter an older lady stands.

"Good day. What can I get you?" The lady behind the counter greets us with a large friendly smile.

"Hi. We're Elina and Jason. We're here to try out wedding cake." I say as we make our way to the counter. There is a younger couple sitting at one of the tables feeding each other cake just like me and Jason does sometimes.

"Ah. Of course, of course. Right this way. My hubby has prepared everything in the office." She leads us to the back where her husband greets us. In the office he has a table prepared with four different fillings, three different flavors of cake and three different frostings. There is also a book with pictures of previous cakes he has made.

An hour later we decided on everything and ordered our cake. We had to go with something simple and in the lower price range. We might not have a shortage of money, but we definitely don't have an abundance of it.

Jason's parents have agreed to help with the rental of the small hotel where we're holding the ceremony. It was situated a few miles out of New York, in the countryside, surrounded by green fields and forest. The serenity of the ambiance and the vintage look of the hotel will be absolutely perfect.

I wish my family was still here to first and foremost attend the wedding, but also support us with the finances of it. Eight years ago my mother, father and older brother were traveling to visit my grandmother who was residing at a retirement home when a truck lost control and sewered over to oncoming traffic. My parents and brother died instantly. I had a history test the day after so I wasn't in the car with them.

I was sixteen years old at that moment when my whole world fell apart. I didn't have any other family in life except a distant aunt living in California. Lucky for me my neighbor, Mrs. Johnson took me in.

She was an elderly lady, living alone in her small house. She said that she could use the company and I was content with not needing to end up in the system so I agreed.

We had a good two and a half years together before cancer took her. By then I was an adult and going off to college so everything had to change anyways. But I still miss her terribly.

When me and Jason came home I went about making dinner, pasta salad with chicken. I took a glass of wine and Jason drank a beer. We watched a superhero movie while snuggling on the couch.

In the middle Jason started snoring so I turned off the movie and we went to bed instead. As I lay there in our soft bed, with Jason snoring lightly beside me, an elated feeling falls over me. My life really is perfect.


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