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The bridge is bubbling with excitement and curiosity. We were able to retrieve a female from that lesser planet, and she survived the journey. It was a beautiful planet shining blue and green with large specs of white fluffy clouds blowing inside the atmosphere. So much like our planet but still not quite right.

The technicians were able to connect to their information base. The internet I think they called it, and with the translator we were able to read and watch a lot of information about this planet and the intelligent species that lives there, humans as they call themselves.

The scientists also retrieved a large amount of edible plants to program into our food synthesizer. Hopefully the human female will appreciate that, to be able to eat some of the foods she is used to.

From what the Farnders says their physical bodies are similar to ours, except that they are slightly smaller. But the Farnders do not think that will pose any hindrance from crossbreeding with us. Their newborn seems to be about the same size as ours, it's just that we grow larger during our youth.

Humans do have a strange color to their skin, from a slightly pale pink to a dark rich brown, that differs from our natural pale blue to dark blue. But I have to admit that the females are quite beautiful with their generous curves and soft looking bodies.

There seems to be those who are quite slim as well, but I would rather have one that looks more like the Galdrian women. The Galdrian women have large chests and wide hips that are perfect for carrying and nurturing children, and of course to please their males.

The female we now have on our ship has a somewhat pale pinkish skin color together with long pale hair. Skillys has shown the whole crew a picture of her, but no one is yet allowed to meet with her. He says she will need some time to digest everything that has happened to her. It is not easy to get abducted from your home, family and life in the middle of the night, then taken to an alien spaceship. I guess he is right about that, but I want to meet my future mate as soon as possible.

What everyone else doesn't know is that I have been allowed to follow my little human for the past three months since I chose her. I have seen film clips of her, heard her voice and seen a lot of pictures of her. I will be the first to experience this new, and fairly young species. If I'm successful in mating and impregnating her and she can carry the child to birth, we will collect more females.

Since I am of royal birth and next in line for the throne, my father saw it fitting that I should be the first to try. If it is a failure and the mating doesn't result in a child, my brother will inherit the throne instead. There is no way I will abandon my female after claiming her even if she can't bear me a child.

"Laz!" I get forcefully pulled from my thoughts by the booming voice of my best friend, and the platoon strategist, right next to my ear.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Kurn?" I bark out at the same time as I take a swing at the bastard's head, which he easily evades with a small chuckle. Blinking and looking around I realize that we are still on the bridge, and all my subordinates are doing their best to not fall in with Kurns chuckle, with mixed results. I can feel my cheeks turn a soft purple as embarrassment falls over me. I got caught daydreaming on the shift.

"Where did you go off to? We have been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes." Kurn keeps chuckling.

I look over in his direction. Kurns boyish face is scrunched up from the withheld laughter. He is as old as me and we have been friends since we were young. He has dark blue skin, short curly midnight blue hair with matching eyes. Kurn is one of our longest soldiers on the ship with his 7'3. With his wide shoulders, muscular chest, arms and legs he is by far the largest in every aspect.

Being a military unit demands for us to be ready for close combat as well as space war, therefore we make sure to train several times during our rest between shifts and let's say that Kurn takes training very seriously.

"Perhaps our captain is thinking about his little mate sleeping in the research facility?" He teasingly murmurs, loud enough for only me to hear. I pick up my empty paper cup that sits on my side table and chuck it at his head.

"Shut up!" I growl, making Kurn chuckle even more.

I sigh and look out at space in front of us. This galaxy is very calm and peaceful, no ships flying around, no pirates to look out for. Nothing. It's boring as hell.

No wonder I daydream instead of keeping watch of the space around us.

"What's our status?" I drawl in a bored tone. Even if it is silent and peaceful now there is a possibility that will change now that we are here. Where a Galdrian spaceship goes, pirates soon follow.

"There is nothing to report." Keyan, our pilot, says in his raspy voice. "This galaxy really is quiet. No ships, nothing at all. Just empty space. If I may speak freely-" He takes a pause to look at me and I give a nod. "-it is quite a boring place!" I try to keep back a smile as I look at Keyan. His face is still impassive even as I faintly hear snickering around the bridge.

Keyan is an older Galdrian with a pale blue skin color. His face is completely covered in darker freckles, wrinkles and a long dark green beard speckled with gray. His clean shaven, freckled head shines in the faint light of the bridge.

Keyan always says that one day he woke up and all his hair had fallen from the top of his head down to his chin and it never went back. He always knows how to lighten the mood on the bridge, and he always does it with a straight face.

"I won't disagree with that statement, but we still have to stay focused because we never know when pirates or others will show up. Soon it will be out that we have been sent here so others will want to know what interest The Intergalactic Committee has with a galaxy so far out." I answer him and look at the time to see that our shift is soon over and that Pallas' platoon will start to head in any minute.

"Finish up with the reports, make sure we are still on route and circling the planet so that the next team will have a smooth start." We are not circling the planet we took the human from but one a few planets away. Even if they have not yet reached far out to space they have technology to look pretty far out. We want to minimize the risk of being found out by them and give them a scare.

"Aye!" There is a united chorus of answers and everyone finishes up their work. I open my log and finish up my report.

"So a female huh? She looked really pretty. I'm sure you can't wait to have her under you." Kurn tries to tease me and when he doesn't get any response he says. "I sure as hell would want her under me!"

I know Kurn is only trying to bait me but I still feel my possessive nature rising. I haven't marked her yet and don't forget that I haven't even met her, but still, she is mine. I chose her and she is brought here for me. If Kurn will even think of trying anything he will definitely feel it afterwards.

"You will have to wait until we know if this is a successful match before you get your own female. I will certainly not share mine." I snap at him, earning a chuckle in response from him.


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