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"My name is Lazarus, but my friends call me Laz. What is your name?" He removes his hand from my chin and goes back to stroking my leg. I like the feeling of his hand on my leg. It feels strong, protective, and a calmness that I haven't felt in a long time comes over me. I'm not even sure if I ever felt this safe and calm in that bastard's company.

With Lazarus' voice and touch I feel almost lost in a trance. It's like he can control me with his voice, so before I think better of it I answer.

"Elina. My friends call me Ellie."

"Elina. A beautiful name for a beautiful female." My name on his lips sends a shiver down my spine straight to my core and I squirm in his lap. He takes a sharp breath and his arm around my waist tightens. When I still he clears his throat and speaks again. "I can understand that this must be a strange experience for you, and I can't imagine how you must feel about this, but we are in big need of your help."

I look up into his face again. He looks apologetic about all that has happened to me, but that really does not help me in any way. With his words the spell he had over me is broken and I frown.

"Well... I feel that it is wrong to kidnap someone in the middle of the night, bring that person to a spaceship in the middle of space and then use them for some breeding program." Now I feel my anger rising and I cross my arms over my chest.

"Who knows, you aliens might already have put some alien baby in me while I was unconscious, and soon it will break out of me with a large splat." I'm thinking about the alien-movies and those disgusting scenes where the aliens tear the humans in half. I scrunch up my face in disgust. He chuckles at my statement.

"The breeding program, as you call it, has not been initiated yet. First we have to make sure that you recover from your travel and that your body adapts to life in space. And the babies will not break out of you with a splat, that is not how babies are born on Galdrion at least. They will come out the same way you are used to." He pauses and gives me a reassuring smile.

"And Skillys believe that you might need some time to get used to me before we start with making babies. I on the other hand would not mind getting into business right away." I stiffen in his lap and look up at him with horror written all over my face.

"To get used to you before making babies?" My mouth goes dry.

I'm gonna make babies? With him? I give a mental shrug. Well, at least he looks way better than that rodent. Oh, shut up mental Elina!

"Yes, perhaps getting to know each other a little. So I can learn what you like. How you like it and so on. He figures that our relationship will be more pleasurable for the both of us if we know each other. And I know that it will be easier to make the babies if you approve of me. As for me, I already know that I approve of you." He gives me a confident smile showing off that row of perfectly white teeth again.

I know I'm staring with my jaw hanging in my lap, but honestly, how can he know that he approves of me? He met me like five minutes ago.

"I, eh. I thought that it would be done by insemination or something." Not that I ever plan to have any babies with aliens anyways.

But he is such a fine alien! Making babies with him is surely a fun act...

"Hmm. Yeah. Well. You see. The thing is that the Galdrians do not answer well to artificial breeding, and besides, the natural way is a lot more enjoyable when conceiving." He gives me a wink, a smug smirk on his gorgeous lips. His hand slowly makes its way closer to my core and it is now directly on my skin!

How did it end up without the barrier of my gown?! And even if I mostly feel appalled about what he says, my body betrays me.

"You are going to be the mother to my children so I want to make our time together as pleasurable as possible, for the both of us." His voice turns husky as it falls an octave. A shiver goes down my spine, again, and I gasp.

I close my eyes and try to gain control over my treacherous body.

"Children? As in more than one?" My voice is practically a squeal by now and it feels like my brain has completely shut down by now.

His hand around my waist pulls me closer against him and he leans down his face and rubs his nose along my jaw up to my ear.

"Yes. I want a big family. And if this is a success it will be profitable for us to have as many children as we can." He murmurs in my ear and I moan from the vibrations of his voice.

I am lost in the pleasure as I silently contemplate everything that has happened to me the last couple of hours. My brain feels sluggish and is working incredibly slow.

So... I have been abducted by aliens that want to use me as a baby-machine. I have met the most gorgeous and mouth watering creature of the whole universe and he wants to start making babies with me, but will wait to get to know me if that is what I want. He's making babies with me? I'm gonna make babies with him?

With hooded eyes I look up into his face and he gives me a soft, sexy smile. Then I look at the large hand that is still rubbing the inside of my bare thigh. He's so dangerously close to the apex of my slightly parted legs.

You know what they say about men with big hands...or is it feet? My eyes drift off to his very large feet that are planted on the floor and my eyes grow wide. My eyes slowly travel to his crotch and the very large and very obvious bulge there.

Oh hell no! That is not going anywhere near me!

I start to struggle to get off his lap and he reluctantly lets go of me, scrunching his brows together in a confused frown. I quickly back away from him, holding my hands up to ward him off.

"No, no, no! I'm not doing this. I don't want any alien babies with you, or any other alien for that matter. I want to go home now!" He gets up from the couch and I shake my head at him as I keep backing away. I can feel the panic in my chest quickly rising. I'm having trouble breathing and my chest hurts like hell. I feel nauseous and the room is spinning. My ears start to ring and my vision slowly goes black.

"Elina, listen to me. You have to calm down! Deep breaths!" I feel Lazarus' large hands clasp around my upper arms, but I can't see anything, I can't breathe. I can't move. I have no control over my body. "Elina!" His panicked cry is the last thing I hear before my whole mind goes black.


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