Black Leather

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On her way to school on the back seat of the black car that was stationed to wait for her all day out of the school premises, Sarah wondered how the day would unfold.

After getting off the car, Sarah walked into the infamous Richfield Highschool. The school of the wealthy. Mrs Agosti said it had strict rules so the same "issue" from last time wouldn't repeat.

But they're always there. They're like pests and they're even worse in these schools. The worst of it all is Sarah can't ignore them even if she tries.

Sarah walked into class and there was immediate silence. She walked to her seat and Thomas wasn't there. None of the guys from Denzel's crew were around.

"Sarah?" A girl said. Sarah looked up and saw the petite dark haired girl. She ran her eyes down her body assessing her. Definitely not one of them. She was clearly nervous, scratching the skin around her nails and her eyes roaming all over Sarah's face.

"What?" Sarah asked harshly making the girl flinch. She hadn't seen her in class yesterday. "I'm T-Tiffany. I'm in grade 9. T-Tommy's my big brother." She said finally.

"And?" Sarah asked tilting her head to the side. "Do you want to thank me, for saving your big brother. Well don't, because I didn't "save" him. I did what all of you decided not to do." She said looking around the class where the others were avoiding her gaze.

" you for helping him. The teachers never listened to me, " She whispered the last part before dropping a piece of paper in front of Sarah and running off.

Sarah looked at the folded blue paper as the girl's words replayed in her head.

The teachers never listened...

The siren rang and Sarah put the piece of paper in her bag and took out her books for the lesson. At the same moment Denzel and his crew walked into the class, Christopher too with a sling on his arm and a bandaged nose.

Sarah didn't acknowledge their arrival and looked up front where their class teacher was entering the classroom. "Good morning everyone," He said.

"Yesterday two of you guys got injured, Thomas will be absent for some time and Christopher here seems to be alright for attendance. Class President," Mr Henry called and Sarah's eyes snapped to who he was talking to.

"Yes, Mr Henry, " Denzel responded.


"Take care of Christopher will you." He said and Denzel responded with a nod. "And Sarah, I hope you've got your PE attire, we're having a lesson on the last two periods," Mr Henry said.

"Yes, I am aware," Sarah said and Mr Henry nodded before saying his usual instructions and leaving the classroom.

As expected, no one dared to report to the teachers.

The class door opened and Miss Wallis walked in. She was a woman in her mid twenties and Sarah's English teacher. "Good morning everyone, " she said setting her books down.

Something about her was different from yesterday during the lesson. Was it her dark circles? Or the roughness of her voice. Something was wrong, Sarah could see it and as the lesson went on, she managed to pick up some more things.

Despite the air-conditioning in the room, Miss Wallis had a thick turtle neck on under her black coat and no skin on her body except for her face was visible, not even her hands which were covered in black leather gloves.

I have to know.

Sarah ran her hand through her hair. She was annoyed with the fact that she couldn't brush things off like other people. Couldn't look the other way.

She raised her hand to look at her silver Breitling watch. Two minutes before the lesson ends. She took out her bottle, it was the same brand as the one from yesterday but a darker shade of purple.  Unscrewing the bottle cap, she waited a few seconds before the siren went and spilled the water on her skirt.

"Oh! Are you alright Sarah?" The woman rushed over to Sarah. "I'm fine," Sarah stood up. "I'll just go to the bathroom, could you show me where the nearest bathrooms are, Miss Wallis?" She said.

The woman agreed and left the classroom with Sarah. When they arrived at the bathrooms Sarah scanned the corridor before pushing the woman into one of the bathroom stalls.

"I'm sorry but could you wait in here for me," Sarah said ignoring the woman's yells of disapproval. She locked her in the stall from the outside and checked if there was anyone else in the toilets.

After confirming that they were the only ones, she locked the bathroom door and went back to the stall. "What is the meaning of this Sarah," the woman hissed her face flushed with...fear?

"Why are you scared of me Miss Wallis? Is it because I pushed you, or locked you in a bathroom stall-"

"I am not scared!" She whisper-yelled. "Move aside right now young lady," She said but Sarah didn't budge. She assessed her shaking body and how she kept swallowing nothing. It was clear that she was scared.

Sarah turned around and opened the door then stepped out to give Miss Wallis some space. "I am sorry for bringing you here against your will. I only wish you," Sarah said. But it wasn't Miss Wallis she wanted to save. The situation was eating her up inside. She was seeing Rhiley in her.

"W-what are you talking about. I do not need any help-"

"Then take your gloves off," Sarah said and Miss Wallis's eyes snapped to her. "How..."

"Miss Wallis, in the same way that the teachers and students here have power and use it in their own ways, I'll use mine to help you. I know I'm just a teenager, but I'm sure being a teacher here you know what the children are capable of."

"And how can I be sure you're not the same?" She asked.

"Because I saw past your layer... Because frankly, you have no other choice," Sarah said and the woman shuddered. "Let me help you," Sarah said one last time. Tears fell down Miss Wallis's cheeks as she slid her gloves off.


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Hi my fellow readers! What did you think about this chapter?

What do you think happened to Miss Wallis?

Class President Denzel??🤔

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