Back Then

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Shildon Highschool- Los Angeles. 3 years ago.


These six have already gotten on my nerves and it's not easy to get on my nerves. I'm looking at them right now, blindfolded and begging me, but I don't care. I gave them a warning, I gave them a chance. But they never listen. Never.

"Your begging will do nothing to fix this situation," Sarah said leaning back on the chair she had put in the middle of the room. "So I suggest you shut your mouths so we can get this over with."

The six students seazed speaking and the only noises remaining where the crying of the four girls. "Lizzy Marlin-" the girl flinched back and sobbed louder.

"Last week Wednesday, on my second day here, what did I say to you?" Sarah asked calmly but the girl did not say a word and continued crying. Sarah pushed the chair back and walked the group. Crouching down she pulled Lizzy's wet blindfold off and met her red tear brimmed eyes. "Please S-Sarah-"

Sarah lifted her hand in dismissal and asked again "What did I say to you Lizzy?"

"You told me to stop. You told me to leave Riley alone...b-but I didn't know-" Sarah grabbed her hair and pulled her head back causing her to scream.

Sarah's dark grey eyes bore into Lizzy's blue ones as she pleaded. "And what did I tell you on Friday Lizzy?" She asked removing a stray her from Lizzy's face causing her eyes to shut.

"Eyes open," she commanded, and Lizzy's eyes sprang open. "Go on.." she said.

"You told me you were giving m-me one last chance. A-and you told me to back off," Sarah nodded and let her go, standing up and walking to the table on the other end of the room.

"And did you back off Lizzy?" She asked but she didn't wait for an answer before continuing. "No you didn't." She picked up a pair of scissors from the table.

"S-Sarah please," Hailey cried from next to Lizzy. "You keep your mouth shut. Your turn will come." Sarah said walking back to Lizzy who's eyes widened when the scissors came to her view.

"Scared already?" Sarah smiled. "I haven't even done anything yet." She said and went to kneel in front of Reynolds. The boy scurried backwards but hit the wall before he could get anywhere.

"No use running from me," Sarah said grabbing his hair. "This hair, " she said fisting a handful and cutting it ignoring the boy's ranting. "This hair that you spend hours each morning tending to," she cut another fistful. "This hair that you pushed that poor girl merely because she brushed against it by accident. " she continued cutting even as the boy cussed at her. "This hair that you  brushed back as you called her an attention seeking whore when she cried in pain from an arm you broke," she said finally cutting the last piece of it and standing up.

"Lizzy," she called making the girl's eyes snap back to her. "She's gone. Riley's gone because of the video you six took of her," Sarah said and Lizzy went utterly still.

"W-what?" Glenda asked. "What do you mean gone-"

"She died. The poor girl jumped off the roof of the hospital you six put her in." Sarah said and the room was silent yet again. She turned around holding a knife and Lizzy gasped.

"Despite the death happening 2 days ago, none of you knew about it," she said pulling down all of their blindfolds. "All because of mommy and daddy's money," Sarah said before smiling and running the knife across her finger and watching the blood drip from it.

"But mommy and daddy aren't here right now. It's just you and me today."

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Sarah stopped by a bench and took out a chocolate bar. Closing her eyes and letting the wind caress her and cool her sweating skin, Sarah's thoughts drifted to Riley's brown eyes that looked just like Thomas's when she felt something cold touch her ankle.

She looked down to see a golden pomeranian licking her ankle and studied it unmoving from her position.

"Daisy!" A boy called from a distance. Sarah looked up to study the boy who was running towards her. He was tall, very tall was all she could come up with. His Navy shirt had sweat on its neck and he seemed to be out of breath when he reached the bench and squatted to put a leash on the dog.

"How many times have I told you not to wander off like that!" He said. To the dog? And then his eyes were on her. They were a stunning amber, and sparkly, she'd never seen eyes like those. And then he smiled, it was an apologetic smile but nonetheless, a very charming one indeed.


"I'm sorry about this, she's quite disobedient at times, I hope she didn't bother you." The boy said looking hopefully into Sarah's eyes.

"It is well," she responded.

It is well? Where are we, church?

She internally slapped herself standing up from the bench abruptly.

"Thank God," the boy visibly relaxed taking in a breath and looked up back to Sarah. "I'm-"

"Leaving, I'm leaving. Goodbye." She said with a short bow and walked away from the bench leaving the boy staring at her back. "What?-" the boy said but stopped when Sarah turned around and stomped back to him looking, angry? Why was she angry.

Sarah stopped in front of him and shoved her bottle at his chest. Instinctively the boy caught the purple bottle but before he could say anything Sarah turned around and ran away.

Daisy looked up at him whining while he looked at the place Sarah ran off to.


Hi guys. I hope you enjoyed the chapter😊

How are you guys feeling about Daisy's dad?

Comment on what you think about Sarah's past🤔

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