Chapter 10: The Melody

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(Mature Scenes)

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(Mature Scenes)

Henry woke up to see the lost boys still partying, he sat up, confused, not remembering falling asleep.
He looked to see pan kneeling on one leg in front of him.

"What happened?" He questioned squinting.

"Oh, you feel asleep." Pan smirked as the Lost Biys continues hollering in the background

"I did?"

"Don't worry. It was just a little cat nap. The nights still young." He looked over the bonfire to see Felix grinning at Silas as his little Warrior sat on his lovers lap.

Silas looked to be whispering in his ear as the young blonde never let his attention fade from the two teenagers beside him.

"Wait." He turned to see what Henry interrupted him for, "I remember something. My dad.... When I was asleep I could've sworn I heard him calling for me.."

Pan have him a confused face, "really?"

"Yea... it must've been a dream."

"Well how can you be so sure?" Pans voice had an edge to it that the young boy didn't pick up on, lost in his own thoughts.

"Because he's dead. My dad is dead."

Pan gave him a look of sorrow, wanting to show his condolence for the boys loss. "I'm sorry, Henry. It makes sense for us to dream the things we've lost, and the things we hope for." Like spending eternity with My Little Warrior and Archer. "Like your father being alive. Or your mother coming to find you."

Henry looked down, realizing that he had no one at this moment... except for The Lost Boys and Pan.

"Eventually, Henry, you'll find new things to dream about." Pan fiddled with the flute in his hands. "And when you do, they'll start to come true."

"How do you know?" Henry's voice wobbled a bit

"Because that's what I did. Now I have My Archer and My Little warrior. But it's also why you're here. Neverland used to be a place where new dreams were born. You can bring that magic back, Henry." Peter spoke with love in his voice as he mentioned the most important things to him. But he spoke of conviction when he told Henry that he can bring the magic back to his home.

"And we can be your family." He huffed put a laugh as he smiled at the young, innocent boy.

Pan stood up off his kneeling position, looking down onto the boy, "I'd like to play a song." Henry also stood, to the right of Pan. "A song for our guest of honor, Henry."

Silas stopped whispering in His Little Dragons ear, wanting to pay attention to what Peter was about to do.

Suddenly, a beautiful melody started playing for the youngest of the Charming Family. He felt so enraptured with the way Pan played the pipes. It was a slow melody, such as a Snake Charmer plays to make a Snake dance and bend to his will.

Silas smiled as Draco hopped out of his arms, grabbed Felix, and joined the Lost Boys in their Dance.

He slowly stood up to walk over towards Peter and Henry. Keeping a small smile on his face.

The music was a tune that sung to the Lost Boys, showing that they are loved and welcomed to the camp, Henry was now one of them. He slowly joined in on the hollering and dancing around the circle.

Peter kept playing as he felt The Archer appear behind him. Arms encircled his waist and a chin was rested on his shoulder, but his eyes never left Henry.

"Speak to him, love" he felt the ghost of Silas' lips on his ear. He pulled his Pan away and shuddered before doing as he was asked, "you can hear the music now, can't you, Henry?"


Peter smiled, all was going well.

"Come, love" then the warmth disappeared from around him.

He looked to see Silas walking off towards their hut.

He smiled before catching Felix's eyes, with eye contact, he demanded that he watched the camp and the boys before following his lover.

Peter climbed into the hut to see Silas shirtless, staring out the back window at the woods surrounding their camp.

He walked behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist like the boy had done to him earlier.

"We are one step closer, love. to spending eternity together without fail." he whispered into the Archers neck before planting kisses along it. Silas leaned back into him, tilting his neck towards the side to give him more space to work with.

"One step closer," he trailed his kisses towards Silas' ear, "to getting revenge on Snow White" causing Silas to growl under his breath.

With that, Silas turned around and pushed Peter down onto their bed. He grabbed his arms, pinning them beside his head, leaning down, he started his own work on Pans neck, causing the boy to moan.

He quickly tugged on Peters shirt, "off." He demanded while burying himself deeper into his neck.

Pan snapped his fingers, making all of his clothes disappear with the demand.

Silas chuckled, "always so eager, aren't you, darling?"
Pan shuddered again at the roughness in his voice, before nodding.

Silas let go of one arm, before grabbing both with his other, forcing the immortal teen to raise his arms above his head.

Trailing his fingers upwards as he removed himself from his neck, he slowly kissed Peter.

The boy responded immediately, trying to free his arms to no avail.

"Be still and suck." Silas lifted his free hand to peters mouth that willingly opened for him. He wrapped his mouth around the two fingers, following his every demand,

Now Silas watched him with hooded eyes, unable to look away from the alluring sight. When he felt as though they were soiled enough, he slowly removed them while dragging them over Peters lower lip.

Trailing them down his body, he reached the one place that made Pan jerk a bit, gasping as he tried to calm himself from disobeying.

Silas watched as his fingers were gripped tightly by his warm muscles down below, he started to speed up, wanting to feel them contract even more now that the muscle got used to his invasion.

Peter was left gasping, sometimes letting little Moans of Silas' Name fall loosely from his mouth.

"I know,love. Come on.. let go for me." He worked his fingers faster once more.

"Don't wanna be disobedient do you now?"

With that, Peter felt his arms being released as Silas used his free hand to grab his hardened cock, jerking it in rhythm with his hard thrusts, squeezing like he knew the immortal Teen loved.

Peter let one more groan of his lives name fall before his painted his own chest white. His vision went a little blurring for a moment.

When it cleared, he felt Silas cleaning him up, with his mouth. Casing his to groan again.

Silas just chuckled, "sorry love, just wanted a small taste." He finished cleaning him before helping Peter put his clothes back on.

"What of you?" Peter slurred with sleep.

Silas just shook his head and wrapped his arm around his waste, pulling Peter to face him.

"I got my fill just watching you, love. Now sleep, we have things to do tomorrow."

Peter nodded his head before leaning closer to give him a small kiss, "I love you Archer."

"and I love you Peter."

They both drifted of into slumber, never letting one another go. If anything, their grips tightened in their sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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