IMPORTANT: Requests closed

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Okay,  I know that I promised a few months ago that I'd be back writing and I'm so so sorry that I couldn't keep that promise.

It's just that I have so much going on: My school is stressing everyone out at the moment, my family is acting more complicated than necessary and at the same time I'm trying to keep up with my hobbies which I really enjoy.

So you see, there's a lot on my plate and while I also enjoy writing for you guys very much, I also feel like I'm letting you down by taking incredibly long to publish your requests simply because I don't have the time to do so. That's why I decided to close the requests for now, so nobody will be disappointed.

But don't worry, those who already requested something which I haven't published yet will still have their imagines written. It will probably just take a while until I can do so.

And just so there are no misunterstandings: This book isn't discontinued or anything. By closing the request I'm simply giving myself time to focus on more important things but as soon as school and everything else lets off a bit you'll be welcome to request again (of course I'll let you know when this will be).

Again, I'm really sorry that I have to do this but I hope you can understand...

Sweet dreams

- Dreamy

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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