𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑵𝒀 𝑳𝑶𝑪𝑲𝑾𝑶𝑶𝑫 | 𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆.

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Requested by: Myself. I recently binge watched the entire season of Lockwood & Co. and, holy shit, I'm blown away. I absolutely loved it! I really don't understand why Netflix would cancel it... Besides being angry at Netflix, I'm also annoyed with Wattpad. I found the absolute perfect GIF for this one shot and then Wattpad came and told me it was too big. Like, whyyyyyyyy???


𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒. That was the only word to even remotely describe your condition at the moment. It was way past midnight and you hadn't managed to gather even a minute of sleep. Too much had happened these last few days and your thoughts just kept swirling inside your head, keeping you awake for far too long.

In your opinion the whole situation had grown completely over your head, the Bone Glass being more dangerous than you could have anticipated and it seemed to bring nothing but trouble with it. And it sure as hell didn't help that Lockwood had to risk the fate of the entire agency by agreeing to a stupid bet. All that and more led you eventually down the stairs and towards the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea. It was more than clear that you wouldn't be able to fall asleep anytime soon.

Little did you know that someone else was just as unable to find rest; you practically jumped several feet in the air when you heard a hushed voice: "Y/N?"

You let out a short scream and quickly caught the cup you nearly dropped before it could shatter on the ground. "For heaven's sake, Lockwood! You almost gave me a heart attack."

From what you could tell in the dark, he looked sheepishly to the ground and shrugged. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

You took the few steps towards the light switch and turned it on. You didn't want to wake anyone when you first came down but it was probably already too late for that. That's when you got a better look at Lockwood. To put it briefly, he looked like shit. He had dark rings under his eyes, his usually neat hair was tousled and he seemed absolutely exhausted as if he hadn't slept in days. It was the complete opposite from the otherwise composed and steady version of himself which Lockwood usually preferred to show.

"Oh, Lockwood... You look terrible."

"I'm fine." He forced a smile onto his lips that didn't look convincing at all. It was obvious that he wasn't fine. Not in the slightest.

"Alright, listen. I've known you for long enough to know that in your vocabulary the term 'I'm fine.' actually 'I'm feeling terrible but I'm too stubborn to talk about it.' means."

Lockwood gave you a pointed look at that statement which you blatantly ignored. Sometimes you really wondered what was going on in that strange mind of his. He was always so secretive when it came to his problems, never accepting help. It was like he was dead set on doing everything alone even if it meant his own downfall. You wouldn't let that happen.

"Go on, tell me. What's wrong?", you asked softly while sitting down on the chair next to Lockwood. You slowly reached out and placed your hand onto his cheek. At first he flinched away but then something seemed to change and he hesitantly leaned into your touch.

With a heavy sigh, he answered: "This is all my fault."

You watched him confused, not entirely sure what the boy was talking about. "What do you mean?"

This time he looked you in the eyes and you were surprised to see that he seemed genuinely afraid. It was rare for Lockwood to be scared of something. "Everything."

He shuffled in his seat and you took your hand back to himself to give him more room. He ran his hand through his hair before he explained: "It was me who brought us into this position in the first place. I knew that the case at cemetery was going to be difficult if not dangerous, yet I still accepted. Now all our lives are in danger and it's all because of me."

He took a deep breath before he continued again. "And then that stupid bet I made with Kipps. Even if we are going to survive this there's still a big chance that we won't be able to work together as Lockwood & Co. anymore. And once again would it be my fault."

He put his elbows on the table and buried his face in his hands. At this moment, he seemed so finished with everything that you wondered how he was even able to go on this far without support from anyone. You were sure if he had kept all of this bottled up for even a day longer, he would have emotionally exploded.

"You know, all of this, all these problems, were exactly why I couldn't sleep. I was too worried about what could happen to me, my friends or this agency.", you whispered quietly but strong, trying to comfort him somehow. "But never, not even once, did I blame you for anything. It's not your fault and you should stop thinking that you have to bear everything alone." The last part was said in an almost accusing tone.

Lockwood looked at you shocked, surprised by your sudden outburst. You were usually more the joking and sarcastic type and he had rarely heard you speak that seriously to him. Or George and Lucy for that matter. But still he only shook his head, not directly answering to your rant. "I just don't know what to do."

"Neither do I. But look, you have me. You have Lucy and George. We're going to figure this out. Together." You turned Lockwood's face towards you, looking him firm in the eyes only to pull him in for a comforting hug which he thankfully returned. "You're not alone."


Not my best work but, eh. Probably because I was listening to Evanescence while writing this and half the time I was singing to the lyrics instead of typing. So, lesson learned: Don't listen to any of your favourite music while writing if you want to be productive. Now I'm curious, dear readers. What are your favourite songs (or bands, or singers, or whatever)?

Sweet dreams

- Dreamy

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