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Meanwhile, at Stark Industries
Tony examines the device. He didn't understand. It had almost the exact same tech he owned. But that didn't make sense. No one except Tony himself would have made this. Suddenly the device starts to move. Tony quickly stops it with a lazer. It twitches and stops. He than noticed bug like arms, almost alien like.

Back in Paris, Percys POV
So far I was right, it has been a good day. No akuma attacks. No villains. Just a good day. I sit at the usual lunch table. Mari, Luka, Nino, Juleka sit across. Felix and Thomas beside me and Chloe across from Nino. However of course I feel something about to hit me. I quickly turn and catch it. The others look as I glance around and see an angry dog. Wait sorry angry Kim, because dogs are nothing like Kim, dogs are adorable. "Ah. Kim threw it." I shrug. "Can't even throw quietly." I add saying a bit louder. He growls and storms over. "Your stupid teacher embarrassed me." Kim growled. "Yeah. I was there." I say. He grabs my collar. As I get flashbacks to middle school.

I sit down with Harry as we both agreed to study together for an upcoming test. Suddenly I am grabbed by Flash Thompson. I whimper. "Uhm heyy Flash." I smile innocently. "You didn't do my part of the project." He growled. "Well I mean it is supposed to be your w-" I than feel something hit me in the face. His fist. I glance at Harry who looks angry. "Hey, let her go Flash. Or else." Harry said. "Or else what? You'll tell the teacher?" Flash laughs as Harry suddenly punches Flash, making Flash drop me. I fall to the ground as Harry helps me up and we quickly leave before Flash can get up.
End of Flashback

"You might wanna put me down." I say. "Why?" Kim sneered. "Because you should or else." I say. "Or else what? Huh? You gonna slap me?" He laughs. "Or else this." I punch him in the face, right in the nose. He drops me, I land on my feet. "You bitch!" He said and gasped. "My nose... Its broken." He yelled as Max ran over to take Kim to the nurses office. I glance around, seeing others look at me. "What?" I say. Their eyes. Full of judgement. Full of hate. Suddenly I feel self conscious. I quickly run out and go to an empty classroom.

"I-I can't handle this." I mumble. "I shouldn't have done that. I'll get hated... Tony will fire me..." I lean against the stall wall. I don't notice the fluttering of a butterfly. "I'm messing everything up.." I tear up. I've been holding back so much. I look up as the butterfly lands on Hollie.

Felix POV
Meanwhile in the cafeteria, the group stood up as well as myself.  "We should go look for her." Thomas says. As we are about to continue, there is a loud bang. I turn and my eyes widen in horror. Percy... She is akumatized. She looked like a butterfly. She has dark blue wings and is wearing a long black dress with red sparkles on it. She has antenna like a butterfly on her head. I quickly run to transform. Once transformed I run out. I look around she turned people cocoons. I watch as Ladybug jumps next to me. "What should we do?" I ask, clearly panicked. Ladybug frowned. "I don't know..." She said. I look at her. "Percy!" I yell. She turns to me. "My name isn't Percy! Its Metamorphosis!(idk okay?)" She yelled, her eyes glowing yellow. "Fight back against it!" I yell as she touches her wrist and I dodge a cocoon coming at me. Ladybug grabs me as we hide in a classroom.

"What happened?" I mumble. "She got in a fight with Kim, well she broke his nose. And than she looked around all panicked and ran out." I jump and see Chloe, Nino, Luka, Juleka and Thomas. "And than she flew in and started cocooning people." Juleka said. I frown. "I think I know where the akuma is." Chloe said. Ladybug and I look at her. "Its in her watch." She explained. We nod. "I have an idea." Ladybug said.

Third Person (sorry for all the POV changes)
"Get their miraculous!" Hawkmoth said to Metamorphosis. "Oh shut up moth. I'm doing my best." She said and saw Kim, who looked scared as shit. She growled and went to cocoon him, only for it to hit a mirror. She flew into the library, "Oh Kim. Come on out." She said. "I'm not gonna hurt you. Just gonna put you in a cocoon where you'll never leave." She said in a sickly sweet voice. "Over here!" A voice said as she turned only to see Chloe and Nino. She froze. "Here!" Another said as she turned to see Juleka and Luka. "Up here!" Thomas said as she looked up. "No... Leave." Metamorphosis said. "I'm not going to hurt you guys. Please leave." She said. All of a sudden she was pulled down by a yoyo. She growled. "You!" She growled and went to attack Ladybug only to be tackled by Chat Noir. "Get his miraculous!" Hawkmoth yelled.

Metamorphosis shook her head, "You mangey Alleycat!" She yelled as Chat grabbed her wrist and watch than destroyed it. He got up as Ladybug purified it. "Miraculous ladybug!" Ladybug said throwing her yoyo up in the air as everyone went back to normal and the destruction was cleaned up. Percy groaned as she held her head. Chat and Ladybug than left. They had to see their friend. As their civilan selves. Chloe ran over and hugged Percy as Juleka joined. "What in the-" Percy asks. "Don't ever do that again." Chloe said. "Yeah." Marienette said joining. "Next time you feel upset come to us." She added as Percy suddenly remembered and frowned. "God I am so sorry." She said and teared up as the girls held her. Luka, Nino, and Thomas watch. "I have to admit, that was scary.." Thomas said. "But I am glad she is safe." He admitted. "I agree." Felix said making the three boys jump.

After school, Kim approached Percy who was with Marienette, Felix, and Thomas. "I'm sorry Percy." He said. "I just got really mad and I thought about my actions." He said. "I'm glad you're okay." He smiled. "Oh its okay." Percy smiled. "Sorry I broke your nose." She said as he shrugged. "I deserved it." He said and looked at Marienette. "And Mari, I am so sorry about the bullying. I talked about it with Mylene and Ivan. We agreed we messed up. We even looked into Lila and you were right.. She is a liar.. I hope you can forgive us." Kim said embarrassed. Marienette smiled a bit. "I forgive you guys." She said. "Wait really?" Kim asked shocked. "Yeah. I mean after all you guys didn't really do or say anything to me. You guys just ignored me." Marienette shrugged. Kim smiled softly. "Thanks Mari." He said and than went to see Mylene and Ivan. "I was right today wasn't such a bad day." Percy smiled. "I should get going. I'll see you guys tomorrow." She said and left.

That night
Percy heard two knocks from her balcony door. She opened it and smiled. "Hey Chat." She said. Chat smiled back. "You know you had me really worried today." Chat said. "Yeah. I'm sorry... Alot happened at school today and I have some pent up emotions that decided to let loose today." Percy smiled. Chat frowned. "And you're smiling about it?" He asked. "Pfft. Of course I am... I realized I have amazing friends.. And that means I have to promise to never let my emotions control me again. Besides I think its time I let go of the past." She said. "I know Mj and Ned would want me to smile and remember the good memories." She explained as Chat smiled a bit. "Besides with my new friends, Ladybug, and you I think I can become stronger." She said and looked at the sky. Chat felt himself blush a small bit. "You're very brave Percy." Chat admits. "You've been through alot, yet you still get through it. You are witty and super smart." He added. Percy smiled. "Thanks Chat. You are too." She said.

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