Let Us Help You

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Marienettes POV
I sit in my room. I couldn't believe it. Percy Parker is Spidergirl.... Wait. Actually I can. I sigh. "I can't believe it." I hear Tikki, clearly lying. "Tikki I think it was clear but I didn't wanna believe it.." I admit. Tikki sighs. "Why?" She asks me sitting on my desk. "Well... Percy is like me... Kinda.. Clumsy.. A-And she is really smart. Smarter than anyone in class. Well besides Felix." I mumble the last sentence. "Anyways, she just seems so human... And normal..." I sigh. "Thats a compliment right?" Tikki asks. I quickly nod. "Of course it is Tikki." I say just as quick. "But she's superhuman and thats awesome... But that means that... Her crush and her friend knew she was spider girl... And somehow they... She thinks its her fault they died..." I mumble. Tikki gives me a look.

I open my laptop. "I did a little digging and looked up Percy Parker. She's won some science awards in her old high school. Here is a picture of her and her friends, Mj and Ned. Mj was her crush. Well I looked them up and apparently two years ago they passed away from some villain." I explain. "It says here the villain wanted something Spider girl had. As she gave it to the guy the guy dropped both guys. She tried to save them... But.." I got silent. I sigh. "I am gonna go patrol now. Tikki Spots on." I than quickly leave. I need to talk to Chat. Now.

Felix POV (when he gets home)
I get home and de transform. "Who woulda thought." Plagg says. "Your crush is spi-" I glare at him as he quickly shuts up. Percy Parker is Spidergirl. Spidergirl is Percy Parker. I groan and lay on my bed. How could it be so obvious!? They both are from New York. They both are super smart. They both make me smile. I cover my face. "They both went through something traumatizing. Both lost friends." I sigh and get up. I should look into Percy. I go to my desk and turn my laptop on. I look up Percy Parker and stuff comes up. Her winning science awards and her getting a part-time job at Stark Industry. I than look into her personal life files in Stark Industries. "Lets see... She watched her parents get killed by a robber when she was four. She moved in with her uncle Ben and Aunt May at five.." I hold my head up with my hand. "Her uncle Ben died by some robbers at thirteen... And was bitten by a radioactive spider a few days later on a field trip.. Than became Spidergirl... And two years ago her best friends Ned and Mj was pushed off an abandoned building..." I frown. "That's horrible.." I mumble as I look at articles about Spidergirl. Friend or Foe! I notice some say. Others say, Another Superhero Menace! Than explains the damage caused. "Thats not her fault! It's the villains!" I read more. Most talking about how she fought evil people like a rich guy named Goblin or some mad scientist named Doc Oc.

Plagg floats in front of me causing me to get out of my trance. "Kid." Plagg says. "Now that we know the truth maybe we should listen to her. I mean when you said you and ladybug could help her." He explained. "You and Ladybug are heros sure, but the ladybug kwamii and I aren't powerful enough to protect you from actual evil crazy maniacs." I glare at him. "I think Ladybug and I should talk about it with each other. After all we are the holders." I growl. Plagg looks down. "Plagg.. Claws out." I transform. I have to talk to ladybug.

Third Person
Once at the Eiffel Tower, the two are quiet for a couple of seconds until. "Listen I looked at some information." They both said. "You first M'Lady." Chat says. "Well I think she is right about us not being able to help her. However My kwamii and I talked and we think we can help her." Ladybug says. "Well I did some research." Chat says. "And Spidey hasn't just lost her friends. Apparently she watched her parents die and watched her uncle die." Chat explains. "My kwamii thinks it isn't safe, but I think as long as we know how to help, we can help her." Chat says. Ladybug nods. "I think we should go to her home and talk. I mean her aunts not-" Ladybug paused. "I mean I heard that her aunt is out for the month." Chat nods. "Same." The two than hop off to the Parker house.

Percy was laying on her bed. She was upset. Suddenly she heard a knock at her balcony. She tries ignoring it until it got louder. "Okay! Im coming." She said. She opened the balcony door and saw Chat and Ladybug. "What?" Percy asked, she was panicking. "We wanted to talk to you about what happened." Ladybug said. They all sit in Percys room. Percy stared at her lap. She was panicking even more. "We want to help." Ladybug said. "And we are." Chat said. Percy suddenly looked up. "Wait what? But-" "No if, and, or buts." Chat smiled. "Yes but!" Percy said as Chat held a laugh back. "But I can't have anyone know. Last time people knew my identity they died!" She says now stern. "You two don't get it. You could get seriously injured! Or Die! And I can't have that. Your civilian friends and family would be heart broken!" She says. "Its not like your villain. You two have one! I have like a ton! Especially since I've helped the Avengers." She said now ranting. "You two don't even know who-"

"Calm down." Ladybug said. "How about this. If it gets to serious we won't help." She said as Chat agreed. "Y'all aren't gonna leave me alone are ya?" Percy said. "Nope. We are pretty much a trio now." Chat said smiling. Percy groaned. "Fine. But I will need to make you two something so if its to dangerous you'll get an alert." She mumbled. "Yes." Chat says as Ladybug smiled.

The next day, Percy's POV
I groan getting out of bed and put on a t-shirt and some jeans. I brush my hair and teeth and go to the kitchen as I get a call from Bruce and answer. "Saw your text whats wrong?" Bruce asks. "The two heros of Paris found out I am Spidergirl and insisted on helping me if a villain ever comes back." I respond. "Oh." Bruce said. "What do I do?" I ask. "Well why don't you try working with them? I mean they are kinda like Clint, since he only has his arrows and uses hand-to-hand combat." He says. "Okay but we know Clints Clint. We all know our real names and all. But I heard they don't even know each others civilian names." I say. "Listen Percy, calm down. Everything will be okay. Besides maybe its best? Because than they won't get hurt?" He said. I frown. "I'm hanging up." I say and hang up quickly.

I hear someone press the door bell. I go to the door and answer to see Marienette. "Good morning Percy." She says. "Uh hey Mari. Why are you here? Aren't you usually at school?" "Yeah but I wanted to walk with you." She says. I shrug. "Sure let me get my stuff." I get my messenger bag and a jacket. I put my sneakers. I go back to the door. I shut and lock it than turn to Mari. "I'm ready." We start to walk to school. We talk about random stuff. I than realize something. If Mari put herself in pigtails and a polka-dot mask... She'd be Ladybug. But thats insane.

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