The Party Crasher

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Percy and the others look up to see someone akumatized looking like a circus clown. What the hell? "I'M PARTY CRASHER AND I WILL RUIN ANY PARTY!" They said. "Guessing someone wasn't invited to a party." Percy said as everyone ran. Percy went to change. Marinette went to transform.

Soon the three heros were there. "Awe did someone not get invited to a party?" Chat says making Spidey laugh. "SHUT UP! DUMB ALLEY CAT!" The person said as they clowned people. "Attack!" The clown says as the group people, now clowns began to go attack the three. Others were blowing balloons.

Ladybug shivered. "Whats wrong m'lady?" Chat asks. "I had a bad experience with a clown as a kid... Ruined my 7th birthday." She said. "Oh.. I'm scared of em cause of the It movie." Chat says. "Dude I love clowns." Spidergirl says. "Anyways, where would that butterfly be?" She asked. Ladybug shrugged as Chat then gasped. He should make sure the others were okay. "Oh uh I gotta feed my kawmi!" He said as he went off. "Weird." Ladybug said as she and Spidey shrugged.

Felix de transformed and snuck to the boat. He went in the house boat and saw everyone but Marinette and Percy. "Felix! Did you see Mari or Percy?" Chloe asked. Felix shook his head. "I-Ill go look for them!" He said and left without the others responding. He got to an alleyway, fed Plagg and turned back to Chat Noir. He jumped and went to find Ladybug and Spidey. Hoping Percy and Marinette were okay.

Spidergirl had been distracting the clown. She swung from building to building. She looked back and smirked under the mask as the clown followed. "Get back here you pest!" The clown said. "Hah! There were better insults in New York! Villain wanna be!" She said as she swung around a building and hid. She gasped as she saw a herd of clowns. Yeah she may have a fear now. She got to the ground saving kids who weren't clowned yet. The last kid was safe as she was thrown. "Ah sheets." She said. She didn't wanna curse in front of the kids. She groaned as someone lifted her, it was two super buff guys. What?! "Hey let go bozos!" She yelled. The Party Crasher smiled.

"Hm..." He then made a balloon appear and put her in one. He tied a string to it and led her to the two others. "Lets see if they care about you." He said as Spidergirl couldn't hear him. "Huh?" The clown sighed. "Lets see if they care about you!" He yelled. "Yeah still nothing." Spidergirl said. "I SAID LETS SEE IF-" All of a sudden a mime appeared... Well Chat acting as a mime. "What the?" He said as the Clown and Spidergirl look at each other than at the miming cat. Ladybug threw her yoyo knocking the clown in the head. The clown let go of the balloon making Spidergirls balloon start to go higher. "Uhm.." She said as they de evilized the guy. "Huh?" The man said. "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" Ladybug said as everything went back to normal and the balloon popped.

Spidergirl screamed. She tried to shoot a web to something but falling wasn't helping. She shut her eyes waiting for impact. But nothing. She opened her eyes to Chat, who smirked. "Cat got your tongue?" He asked as they landed. "Thanks." She said embarrassed. Ladybug ran over. "You okay?" She asked and Spidergirl nodded. The three then fist bump, then all left to change/de transform.

Back at the house boat
Everyone was back and they just had fun. Felix gulped as he walked on the boat, and went inside. "Look! Felix is here!" Chloe smiled. Everyone said hi. Mari and Nino were playing Just Dance, the others watched. Percy was alone outside and Felix went out. Percy sensed someone and turned seeing Felix. She smiled.

"Hey Felix." She smiled. "Hello Miss Parker. Isn't this your party?" He asked. She shrugged. "Yeah but I have a headache and Juleka said I could stand out here for a bit." Percy explained. "Ah." Felix said. "Are you okay? I mean I came to check on you all... Chloe told me they were hosting a party for you... When the akuma attack was happening I was worried." He said flustered, but it was dark so Percy didn't notice. "They told me you and Miss Dupain-cheng were not there." He said.

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