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Hi my names Percy. Percy Parker. I got into a foreign exchange school thing. So now I am alone in Paris. Well kinda, Aunt May is living with me. Since Mr Stark doesn't trust me alone. Anyways, I am SpiderGirl. But only the Avengers know. "Bye Aunt May." I say kissing her cheek and running out the apartment.

I take a bite of my toast as I skate board down the sidewalk till I get to school

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I take a bite of my toast as I skate board down the sidewalk till I get to school. I stop at the stairs as Mr. Stark calls. "Hello?" I ask in English. I can speak any language but English is my native of course.
"Hey kid. How was the trip?" He asked. I smirk hearing him fighting a villain.
"It was good. Aunt May loved it." I giggle. "I'll call you or one of the other's at lunch." I say and hang up. The bell rings. Fuck.

Third Person

Mari sat in the second to last desk in the back next to Nino, her best friend since diapers, the table in front of them is where Juleka and Chloe sat. Kagami, Nathaniel, and Marc had all left the school, Kagami going back to Japan and Nathaniel and Marc getting accepted into an art school. The class talks to one another. "So I heard there is a new student." Juleka says. "Yeah I think she is from America." Nino adds. "Thats so cool." Marienette smiles. Ever since three years ago when Lila came back to school, she kept her promise.

Everyone believed Lie-La... Except for Marc, Nathaniel, Kagami, Juleka, Nino, Chloe, Luka, and surprisingly Adriens cold hearted cousin, Félix. They all became friends, well Félix tolerating them. Through the years Chloe, Kagami, Juleka, and Mari became best friends. Sadly last year Marc and Nathaniel left and the summer before Kagami had left. Marienettes parents know about the situation and are happy Marienette made better friends.

She started wearing her hair down and started to wear a white crop top with red jeans and a black jacket/jean jacket. Chloe started to wear her hair in french braids with a black shirt tucked into a yellow skirt. Juleka started to wear her hair in a ponytail with black ripped shorts and a purple longsleeved croptop. The bell rung as Mrs. Bustier began to talk.

"Today we have an extange student to welcome. She is from America." She says as the door slides open to reveal a girl with brown hair. "Here she is." She says in French. "Welcome." She says in English. "She is clearly American. She has worst taste then Mari-trash." Alya says as some laugh, they didn't think the new girl could understand French.

"Thank you for welcoming me. Also I don't think I have bad taste. After all I am not wearing glasses and an orange flannel that is so 1970s." The new girl says in French. The class gasps. Marienette and her friends hold back laughs as Alya looks away. Mrs Bustier smiles. "Why don't you introduce yourself." The teacher says as the new girl nodded and faced the class. "Hello, my name is Percy Parker. I am from New York. I can speak many languages so if you think I can't understand you, you are wrong. I am a nerd but hope to make friends." Percy smiled.

"Welcome Miss Parker. Now the only seat left is the seat in the back beside Mr De Vanily." Mrs Bustier says pointing to Félix. Percy nods and goes to the seat, she is desk mates with a famous person? Wow this wasn't a first though. Well she does know the Avengers so. "Okay so-" Mrs Bustier goes on. Percy began to write the notes the teacher talks and wrote down, she would later on type them into her laptop. She finished as she saw other students still writing down the notes, well except for the guy beside her. She looks over at him. She was about to say something when there was a loud boom. Percy's head perked up as everyone started running out screaming. She sat there watching and decided to change.

Felix/Chat Noir POV
I rush into a janitor closet and turn into Chat Noir. I then go to where the screams came from. I meet up with Bug-a-Boo. "Hey bug-a-boo." I smirk. She rolls her eyes. "I AM THE BEAST! AND I WILL MAKE EVERYONE PAY FOR ENSLAVING THE ANIMALS!!" The person said as soom the zoo animals came out and start to attack people. Holy fuck this is new. Lady bug and I start to save people. I don't notice a wolf behind me till I hear it growl. I turn and see it caught in... A spider web? "Bad boi! Don't attack people! Especially cute cats!" I hear and turn.

 A spider web? "Bad boi! Don't attack people! Especially cute cats!" I hear and turn

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I smirk. "Thanks spidey." I say. "No problem kitten!" She says as Ladybug comes over. "I took everyone to safty... Who's that?" She asks. "Oh I'm Spider Girl." The girl says as she flinches and uses a car to stop the beast from smashing us. The Beast growls. "I need the miraculous!" He says as we get out the way. "If only Hulk was here. It'd be easier." I hear Spidey say. What's a hulk?

After the fight:
"Pound it!" Ladybug and I say fist bump. "So what miraculous are you?" Ladybug asks. "And why are you covering your entire face?" I ask. Her eyes make a questioning look. "Huh? A miraculous? And I cover my face so no one figures out who I am." She says. "Wait you don't know what a miraculous is?! That means you have actual powers!" I say. "Cool!" Spidey shrugs. "I guess a radioactive spider biting me once is cool." She jokes. Ladybug and my miraculous beeped. "It was a pleasure to meet you but we must ." I say and kiss her hand and leave. I get to an ally way. I detransform. "So there is a new hero in town. Interesting." Plagg said.

Heyo! Sorry its short! This will hopefully be better..

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